WeooWeoo - That weird noise an ambulance makes when it drives past and the siren becomes out of tune and makes you want to jump into oncoming traffic.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
WeooWeoo - That weird noise an ambulance makes when it drives past and the siren becomes out of tune and makes you want to jump into oncoming traffic.

Also known as the doppler effect.
Lazors is a lot less scientific. It's like the sloppy couch version of highly concentrated energy. Kind of like entrecôte, but spelled like anthrocoat. It describes me perfectly, since it's something very elegant packed in humble spelling. Sort of like, I know I'm superior but I won't be a bitch about it. Sometimes I even make spelling errors on purpose when I make long posts just to not seem like some sort of uptight prick.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
To do something without originality. After playing with this name on steam and Toribash for a while, I found out that apparently (was told this playing at 5 am by some Australian player) in Australia the natives there are called Aboriginals and if you are a descendant of an Aboriginal then you could address yourself like "I'm aboriginally" as a race or something like that. The Australian guy that told me this thought I was being racist :/, still keeping this name.
most people here wont understand what mine means, but it means that I love moop and respect him in many different ways

Originally Posted by moopsux View Post
most people here wont understand what mine means, but it means that I love moop and respect him in many different ways

Well I get it, sort of ^_^