Original Post
(Enf) Enforce

A grand shield with an asymmetrical sharp, outwards curving cornered top and a symmetrical diamond shaped bottom is supported by a wolf on either side. All of which rests on a boulder surrounded by water.
A considerable crown, or coronet, rests atop the shield, it's a crown of crosses, it has a cashmere cap and rows of similar gems decorate the outer sides.

On top of the coronet sits a frog-mouth helm, which itself supports the crest, in this case a masterfully made dove. The coronet and crest are decoratively bound by a roll of fabric, or torse, which carries the main colors used on the shield.
Lastly, tied to the helmet is a large drapery, or mantling, in the shape of large leaves and colored in the main colors, just like the torse.

The shield itself has 2 colors in a simple pattern. Big E and a shield serve as the emblem. Long ribbon positioned just below the supporters, carries the motto, which reads: "Peace, justice, progress.". Motto of the long lived clan Enforce.


Be in The top 50 [x]
Be in The top 20 [x]
Be in The top 10 [x]
Be in The top 5 [x] Achieved in 13.5.2016
Be in The top 3 []
Be in The number 1 []
Win 20 clanwars [x]
Win 50 clanwars [x]
Have 100k in the bank []
Have 20 clan members [x]
Have 30 clan members [x]

respect other members
Be active on clan thread
you have to be black belt and higher
you have to have 50 & + % win ration
you have to win a recruitment test to join
Don't spam
be mature
Have fun!

Donators: Poilu59, 11521 tc
Bank name Enforcebank.
Users who can access the bank: Keap67, ph1l1, Vassallo, Demokiller, AGxBerta
Bank goal 100k


Freeform application that shows that you meet the clan rules and that you put some effort in it
post it in here -->
Last edited by ph1l1; Nov 9, 2016 at 07:12 PM.
hi, my name in game paradox, i am 15, I am french, I play Toribash past years, I like the clan Apok but I have do 15 test, but I lost 13 and I win 2. When I saw the clan enforce with memebre of the Apok I wanted to join it so the reason is I like Apok player and I always wanted to do a war with them and when i start toribash i make a promess to join apok because i like it (i have skype;thisnl)