Lol. Sounds like a great plan actually
but mum told me not to bring aids home and hevys puns are bad enough to make it happen -Origami
Originally Posted by SpmSL View Post
Oh nice you guys made official.
I should post here more.

How is the IRC holding up? Much activity there?
Also what have yous been up to recently?

Constant fa exams and lots of Russian work, what about you?
but mum told me not to bring aids home and hevys puns are bad enough to make it happen -Origami
Originally Posted by SpmSL View Post
Oh nice you guys made official.
I should post here more.

How is the IRC holding up? Much activity there?
Also what have yous been up to recently?

Irc is kinda dead. Been grinding osrs until DeadMans resets

Hello All, I applied in your old recruitment thread sense one hasn't been made here.

Please look at it and tell me what you think
Oh shit we're official. That's great. I Uh... I feel like I shouldn't be in Frost for some reason. I feel like I don't do enough.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."