Original Post
(FC) Fight Corps


There once was a clan of great warriors, it's name was FC. For months they pummeled through all the competitors in their region until they ranked at the top of the leader boards. But through the glory, the great FC was beginning to crumble from within. The mighty warriors opposed each other and chaos ensued. When all was done after an unimaginably gruesome battle, all that was left was a few survivors, most who walked away in silence, leaving behind nothing but the heads of their former brothers in battle. FC was all but destroyed... the opposing clans rejoiced and celebrated, but beyond their knowledge, a big change was coming, one that would forever change the course of history. At the ruins of the once mighty clan's castle, four horsemen came, not to destroy, but to rebuild the mightiest war clan that had ever been. Slowly they recruited more warriors and the clan grew mightier and drew closer to what it once was. With great bouts to separate the strong from the weak, they cautiously put together a band of only the mightiest fighters in the land to be a part of the great FC war clan. At last the four horsemen had restored FC to it's former glory and made it what it is now. But the story does not end there, FC was ready to take on their former enemies to finish what they had started... the story, continues now.


- Respect yourself and the members of the clan -
- Keep the post quality up -
- Post at least once every three days -


Become official [ ]
Reach rank #1 [X]
100,000 TC in clan bank [ ]
Clan League Champion [ ]


To apply to join FC, visit our recruitment thread -



Clan Ranks

Clan Ranks


Fight Club Round Robin



Fight Club Discord

Bank = FCBank
Merc is the only user with access.
Last edited by Vraxo; Mar 17, 2017 at 12:33 PM.
Guys apparently there is 7k in the FCTourney account from an old tourney. I'm gonna use it for marketing since it's pretty much just abandoned TC. Just wanted you all to know.

Also FC now has it's first ever Russian member, please welcome albertch to the clan everyone.
Last edited by Merc; Jul 18, 2016 at 09:32 AM.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Great Sc1ence01! Inviting you now since for some reason Rouxster didn't yet lol. Also we should work on making a Skype group chat to alert everyone of ongoing clan wars. Everyone PM me your Skype names. Remember we have 3 goals we gotta fulfill and CL Title is one of them so we gotta put together a pretty brutal roster. So far I like what I see. Thanks for the help guys.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Yeah. By the way I made a lot of TC back and more incoming so yay haha.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |