Originally Posted by eakwing View Post
Well, you know me, so I don't know if this app would be as necessary, but protocol is protocol, so.

Name: Eakwing
Belt: Black Belt Dan 3
Join Date:November 14, 2014
Clan: Delta
Skype Username (opt):
Members you know (opt): 1002003
Why you want to join: I am a proud tricker, and I am still getting the hang of some of the medium-advanced stuff (Corkscrews, Axe to Aerial, etc.
2 Example replays:

Accepted! nice to have you eak, I'll add you to the skype group ASAP.

also i did a hypercork thingie in a spar.
Attached Files
[S] Spar 4.rpl (843.2 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by 1002003; Aug 7, 2016 at 10:47 PM.
Remove me from this please, I didn't realize how much of a joke it was. Kbye.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
Originally Posted by Nulu View Post
Remove me from this please, I didn't realize how much of a joke it was. Kbye.

kbye 10ne is better anyways
Hey guys Im back, gonna post some new stuff very soon!

Originally Posted by Nulu View Post
Remove me from this please, I didn't realize how much of a joke it was. Kbye.

You may consider it as a joke, that's your opinion, fine. But this (in my opinion) is a place for people who are willing to learn from others and provide help in the areas they can even If they're not the BEST. What we don't need is a bunch of people who consider themselves the "masters" and act like they're better than everyone. KBye.
JakBlueberry101: "The goal of agario is like life, everybody wants the biggest balls."
Originally Posted by swagmaster101 View Post
Hey guys Im back, gonna post some new stuff very soon!

You may consider it as a joke, that's your opinion, fine. But this (in my opinion) is a place for people who are willing to learn from others and provide help in the areas they can even If they're not the BEST. What we don't need is a bunch of people who consider themselves the "masters" and act like they're better than everyone. KBye.

Good point swag , i hate people who call themselves masters... even if they are, there are so many people who are good at this game nowadays, so don't feel special lol
anyways, cnc pls on the previous replay
Liam your opener isn't the most stylish, and it's super efficient, it's awesome.

Look, even I WAS able to cork from it! :O
Attached Files
#10neopeneredit.rpl (111.5 KB, 4 views)
Nice 100, just make sure to contract ur jumping leg when ur in the air , anyways here is a cheat 720! Cnc pls
Attached Files
[T] Cheat 720.rpl (137.9 KB, 7 views)