Original Post
[DSC] [Addicted]

Since i really wanted to start a clan, and finally are man enough to start this, i will open this clan.

So here is the Info :3

Clan story

The world of Toribash is hard and full of clans, some are good, some not.
There are everywhere Clans hurrying up, building masses of players, but only a few clans have good players, they are the awesome,but...

Are they Addicted?

Only the Addicted can survive in toribash, Nobuddie was the first Addicted,
he created the great clan [Addicted]. And soon, there came more Chosen Players, ready for beeing [Addicted]

^Will change when more people come in :o)

Member List


Nobuddie-3rd dan Black Belt


Donkor-3rd dan Black Belt


illkickurass-6th dan Black Belt

JtanK-6th dan Black Belt

Tastes-Nice-3rd dan Black Belt

Timmychan-3rd dan Black Belt

Magix-2nd dan Black Belt


Ryukendo99-Black Belt(~900games till 2nd dan) <- Special Permission

Aikanaro-Brown Belt <-Ub3r Special permission because he is cool :3

Clan aim

We want to Conquer Toribash and be the greatest clan! >:O

/bad joke

No, we just want to have fun, win tourneys and be a good clan with a good rep :o)


Well, i dont know what sort of organization i will use (if there is any kind^^)

In the Forums will be clear Stickies:

Info Point
- Every Information about our Clan (Member list, story/history and so on)

General Art/Fun - Here will be posted every kind of art and funny stuff

Are you Addicted? Post Here! - "Wanna Join Thread" (Self explain)

Chat Box - General Thread for posting what you want, also if you are not in the clan


-2nd dan Black Belt (Will raise when clan gets official and when i belt up everytime :3
-Be Active on Forums and Ingame(You can only be Addicted if you are active on forums)
-ENGLISH-Knowledge (Only English will be accepted as clan language

How the Get Browny Points :3

-Have a high Win Percentage
-Have more than 500 Posts
-Have some kind of proof for winning a tourney

Well i think that was all, i hope you like my List, and maybe you also join


Just Post here infos about you, a good application is Tastes-Nice s' one!!!

Last edited by Nobuddie; Jan 3, 2009 at 07:49 PM.
hmm... Is there a form we have to fill in or we just ask? anyway i'll just put a form.

Name: Tastes-Nice (or elf if you like)
Belt: 3rd Dan Blackbelt
Best mods: Judo and im getting better at Akido and wushu
Why you want to join: I want to join this clan because it seems like a good clan with good players (even though there are only two).
What you will bring to the clan: I will bring a new member with good fighting skills and I am forum active.
Previous Clans: Soup, Domo-kun, Habitat
Country & GMT: Australia East Coast ~ +10 GMT

I think thats it.

Hope you let me in, Tastes.
wow, nice no-buddie, anw i would like to join BUT theprob is that im in TAG. anw good luck with this clan i see good in this clan
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D