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Christmas Lottery

If you think you are lucky enough, here's your opportunity to win some valuable prizes!

How it works?
You can buy as many tickets as you want. There are three tiers, you can buy some of each if you wish:
• Cheap and Cheerful Tickets: 5,000 TC per ticket; 45,000 TC for 10 tickets
• Luxury Tickets: 10,000 TC per ticket; 90,000 TC for 10 tickets
• Mystery Tickets: 20,000 TC per ticket; no discounts

To go on with your purchase, please send TC to Countdown and include this form in the message while sending TC:
 User this is for:
If you don't send this message, you'll get Cheap and Chearful tickets!

At the end, we will use a random generator to come up with the winners.

What is up for grabs?
Pretty much everything you can think of, and those items are no-Qi during the transfer! However, the item will become Qi-restricted as soon as the items are sent to your inventory.

When does it end?
This lottery ends right on 25th December at 12:59PM (GMT +0). The drawing will happen a couple of days after the deadline (before New Years).

Can I donate?
Yes you can! Just send an item you want to donate to Countdown's account and we'll put you on the nice list. Please also remember that sharing is caring, buy a ticket or two for your not-so-wealthy friends!
Get crackin'!

Last edited by Creati0n; Dec 25, 2017 at 11:57 PM.
R.I.P Static
Originally Posted by updenso View Post
After doing all these things the random items that we will win will be sent in the hour or after

Originally Posted by OP
This lottery ends right on 25th December at 12:00AM. The drawing will happen ONE or TWO days after the deadline.

you'll get your items (if you win anything) on the 26th or the 27th, whenever the MS can finish up processing the payments i guess.
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
you'll get your items (if you win anything) on the 26th or the 27th, whenever the MS can finish up processing the payments i guess.

thx surge,I'm hoping to get the full 512
I've sent the wrong message...

Tiers: Cheap and Cheerful Tickets; Luxury; Mystery
Amounts: 31; 30; 2
User this is for: Shade

It was supposed to be only 21 for Cheap and Cheerful Tickets...
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
Originally Posted by Shade View Post
I've sent the wrong message...

It was supposed to be only 21 for Cheap and Cheerful Tickets...

That's fine, thanks for letting us know!
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
good luck dude

btw: how come MS is entering the lottery? surely they know what the mystery tickets contain?

It’s like asking why Event Squad participate in clan league. Cause we want to win something?
Us knowing what the prizes are doesn’t shift the odds in our favor. Pretty much everyone knows that the mystery prizes contain interesting items.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Originally Posted by elvis View Post
It’s like asking why Event Squad participate in clan league. Cause we want to win something?
Us knowing what the prizes are doesn’t shift the odds in our favor. Pretty much everyone knows that the mystery prizes contain interesting items.

nothing like that honestly since the prizes for clan league are never secret.

"interesting items" sure, but imo they're kept a mystery for a reason. risk and reward: you pay a lot for something you might love but there's also the chance you'll get something sucky or something you don't want.

knowing what's in the mystery prize for sure lets the MS guy in question think "oh yeah dude, i want that, lemme put 600k (or however much of that he put into the mystery prize) into it".
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
nothing like that honestly since the prizes for clan league are never secret.

"interesting items" sure, but imo they're kept a mystery for a reason. risk and reward: you pay a lot for something you might love but there's also the chance you'll get something sucky or something you don't want.

knowing what's in the mystery prize for sure lets the MS guy in question think "oh yeah dude, i want that, lemme put 600k (or however much of that he put into the mystery prize) into it".

Clan league 2013 contained a mystery prize so I guess no Event Squad member should have taken part.

As you said, risk and reward. You could spend a million toricredits on mystery tickets and not win a single one(see my post earlier). Everybody knows there are a mix of items(some really good some really bad) in the mystery tickets. That’s why people buy them in order to win the really good. Nothing stops you from purchasing 600k worth of mystery tickets either. Yes, I realize us knowing the mystery prizes may look like we have an advantage but as I said earlier, it all comes down to luck.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this