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The OLDA drunken swagger replay comp.
O.k. folks, here it is.

Overview: This contest will be to see who can produce the best replay that makes it appear as though Tori, Uke, or both are completely (bleep)ing blitzed. However, since the contest is called "Drunken SWAGGER" there should be more than stumbling about and funny emotes to the replays. The textbook definition of swagger is: swag⋅ger
   /ˈswęgər/ [swag-er]
–verb (used without object)
1. to walk or strut with a defiant or insolent air.
2. to boast or brag noisily.
4. swaggering manner, conduct, or walk; ostentatious display of arrogance and conceit.
Basically what this means is that replays should show tumbling and drunken antics, but also a decent amount of deliberateness and control. [/SIZE]

The winner will (hopefully) be the player who's replay is a display of humor, skill, and creativity.

Let these folks be your guide.

so you want the stumbles to be the force behind your hits.

O.k., I did some serious youtube crawling, so now we all get to learn a bit about the art.

1.The max length of a replay is 5000 frames.

2. You may use any environmental mod you like, as long as Tori and Ukes bodies stay the same. So if you want it on the alter, feel free.

3. No haxing, stealing, or using old replays.

4. a limit of three entries per contestant.

5. Gravity is left to your discretion.

6. No dismember (left field eh?) To make this a bit more exciting, it will be all fracture, with a threshold of 100.

7. If you use a weapon mod, it cannot be instagib.

8. be epic!


First place: 78,333 TCs Full Adamantium gradients, blood, and torso. Full Titan trials. Cobra blood and ghost. Nox lax and DQ. Shaman blood and torso.

Second place. 73,333TCs Pharos ghost and trails. Titan lax, DQ, and torso. pharos timer.

Third place. 68,333 TCs Full Titan gradients. Typhoon force.

[Prizes may change. We are still accepting donations of either items or TCs]

Deadline: The contest will be over Tuesday, February 2nd.

Judging. The winners will be decided via a public poll on the main event board. However, should it either take to long, or if the majority of OLDA members are unhappy with the poll results, Judgment will then be carried out by Skullschick, and her choice will be final.

O.k., think that's about it. If I missed anything please let me know.

Lets see some (bleep)ing drunk win OLDA!

EDITS: Change TC prizes, Changed gravity limits. Jan/14/09
Last edited by deady; Jan 31, 2009 at 08:40 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
This is the perfect time to do this deady

Edit: if this compo proves to be well visited ( and if someone finds the song from deady's first posted vid.. ) i will make a vid out of this :O

way to awesome lol *starts SP*
Last edited by Rutzor; Jan 14, 2009 at 01:04 AM.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Can I use a -40 or -50 gravity?
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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*spots a possible cheater* Ban him immediately ! xD
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic you NEED 40 or 50?

Terrible question nuthug, Im at a loss for the moment...

also, That song is actually on allot of the videos I saw but didn't post. If I can find one that isnt broken up by talking Il get with audacity, I think that's what audacity does...
Last edited by deady; Jan 14, 2009 at 02:45 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
This is facking hard, i was gonna have tori and uke stagger towards each other and fight but i think il start again with a less ambitious ed haha. Sent my donation to ya
Youshop | Art
Thanks for contribution Spree. Each TC's prize is now 333 TCs bigger. The spare TC go back to spree

Give it a shot Blotto And this contest is up mofo.

mua ha ha

My replay is going to be so epic.

finally, NutHug, use whatever grav you like. But remember, being more realistic is not the main agenda here, it is a big factor, but we also need a whole boat load of zee style.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Awesome comp deady, gonna try to make something for that
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Thanks for contribution Spree. Each TC's prize is now 333 TCs bigger. The spare TC go back to spree

I sent you 10k, should have been an extra 3333 tc on each prize you drunkard :P

Made most of my first go today, does the no hax rule extend to emotes? I have some emote comedy gold in my head if im allowed to use it. Can't be doing things to do with olda without our trusty sense of humour!
Youshop | Art