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[R] 50k-125k budget head texture
Paying budget can be around 50k - 125k.
Ref pic : https://imgur.com/a/qbwKN
The nice side on the front and the horror side on the back?
Colours i would prefer darker colours, maybe some black, grey and white.
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash
I'm working on this.

Got a question though.

There appears to be a bandage or something on the cheek of the nice side in the ref pic. Do you want that on the texture?

Will post a WIP pic within 24 hours.


ah the bandage isn't necessary in my opinion.
i'll be waiting for the WIPs.
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash
Here is my first WIP:

Nice and Nasty WIP#1

It's still very rough and I haven't added any color. I'm planning on going with the same scheme as the reference image unless you indicate otherwise. The final texture will have more detail on the sides. I want to nail down the faces first.

Anything can be changed!

Everything is going really well to my likings, but how about maybe the nice side of the head looking just sad and tired. Maybe something to do with the mouth and eyes. I think the eyes are a little too big. But other than that, everything is doing very well.
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash
Originally Posted by Scar View Post
Everything is going really well to my likings, but how about maybe the nice side of the head looking just sad and tired. Maybe something to do with the mouth and eyes. I think the eyes are a little too big. But other than that, everything is doing very well.

That sounds great! Give me another day and I'll post another WIP with your suggestions.

Nice and Nasty WIP#2

How's that for sad and tired? I made the eyes a bit smaller as well.

I was also thinking that I could give her some tears because she's upset about her other side. I'm not adding those until it's pretty much finished. I'll make sure to keep a copy without tears in case you don't like it.

If the expression is cool, then I will continue working. If not then I can alter it however you would like.


loving it, i could imagine how the head could get even better with some tears!
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash