So what types are out now? boxer and fighter?
If you suddenly get :Pwned by a green beast, and you don't know what hit you, you know it's me!
I just felt I should put this here.


RealToriboxingLW replay coming next.
Attached Files
Litto-Boxing Spar.rpl (227.8 KB, 18 views)
Nice Replay Litto! (why don't you play me online anymore?)

Anyways, I'm beginning to work on the last bodytype (HW,Slugger) so expect it to come in the following week/s
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

It's come to my attention that 3 Static Boxing Servers are up

Have Fun !

P.S I've begun to work on the HW mod so stay tuned
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

It'd be sweet if you could choose what type of boxer you use for the fight <.< But thats probably not possible.

Love this mod so much Smilies are awesome
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Well Finally.... The Toriboxing Mod Project is Completed!!!!!

The Final Heavyweight Bodytype is released and approved for mp play (realtoriboxinghw).

P.S Heavyweight is probably the most difficult bodytype to master. For truly powerful blows, make sure to have a wide stance. the body is resilient to fractures but have a large neck which can be fractured for major points. Also, this bodytype isn't made to move around much so there's one rule.

Just Plant your feet and Unload.

Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

Originally Posted by Jam0864 View Post
I suggest you add a floor, and raise everything off the ground, so instead of fighting on the real ground, you fight on this environment floor. Why is this better? Well tie that with an extremely small dojo and you can have "ring outs" where you manage to smash an opponent out of the ring, for disqualification!

umm then theres no blood on ground lol
Sorry for the inactivity,

I've been doing some test boxing tourneys with prizes very frequently lately.

The league planning is progressing well.(I might have a nabi tourney to test the league format)

Also, i find new boxers still have trouble getting used to the mod, so i may release some more training mods in the near future
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out