meh. spin kicks is pretty low skill cap stuff, this is why we see alot of "sparrers" to use it, since it's the easiest way to keep regain balance. i seen just a couple people who are able to maintain steady balance while standing on legs all the time even under heavy blows using only punches. but welp, it require much more skill and doesn't look "cool". same situation in aikido: have more people doing dms compared to people who execute clean throws. overall - nice explanation of what spar is.
Nice work man ;)

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
I will once I get more ideas of things to "teach". If you have any, I'd gladly make more videos on those ideas.
This will be very helpfull to noobs they should actualy put this shit in the tutorial cos the tutorial is still preaty bad and the only mod in tutorial is aikido -,-
Look at this cat and it will melt your heart and give me tc. :P
how about a tutorial on how to do parkour?
Beer can do parkour hold my I-a drunk and proud member of flip
I have an idea if it wasn't done already. How to do a simple decap. I have done quite a few, but for the people that don't know how. Like, show them what distance, what dismember to put it on, etc.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.