When I first got into mod making, I asked an admin to delete my previous threads so that I could put them in one thread.

I didn't want to spam Mods with new threads.
OK, I realise I haven't been updating this thread recently:
2 Weeks Ago

But I have been making mods, including some 3.3s
I'm going to release 3 mods, but I have a few more suprises scheduled
Knowing you, they are gonna involve something that inflicts horrendious pain upon both players. How about you make a wood chipper?
Originally Posted by Nuyashaki View Post
Knowing you, they are gonna involve something that inflicts horrendious pain upon both players. How about you make a wood chipper?

I'm working on a mod like that, fyi
I'm extreamly glad that toribash doesn't allow for anything other than cylinders, spheres, and cubes, cause the last thing we need is tb sex.