Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
Stupid of you to keep using the same thread when your first acc gets banned. Apparently this forum is hardly moderated at all now, though, seeing how long you whined for CnC and lashed out at anyone not giving generic praise before your first account was banned.

1. how the fuck is it stupid to use the same thread. thats being organized and
tidy, nerd. god wow.
2. when did he ever whine. how about you just quote it. and if you do then
you're obviously just a nerd.
3. wow you're like the biggest lamo nerd ever. really. why are you such a nerd

cool replay thwhigisty
wow that
I tried editing the replay the frame just after the decap. Didn't happen anymore. I'm calling bullshit, especially with the spazzing between frames a bit later on. I dont' get why you would even edit that in though, you're in an excellent spot for a cluster DM of the legs. Find my take on that attached.

Sorry if I jumped to conclusions earlier, you have a very aggressive way of communicating and it does appear it earned you a ban. Didn't know you and rage were fuck-you-buddies either. Most of your replays could be so much more if you cared to finish them, but hey, it's just a game, if you're having fun, it's all well and good.
Attached Files
twiggist edit clusterhit.rpl (121.1 KB, 15 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
its obvious to me, archlurps, that you are very narrowminded when it comes to replays, as is most of the newer/overall replaymakers ever or something this sentence.

anyway I feel that you're doing the opposite by critiquing him, thinking you're giving him advice, while what you're really doing is trying to limit him to stay in the normal bounds of replaymaking traditions. of course that decap is hacked, who cares? he's not trying to fool anyone. thiggist is obviously just a genius before his time, and it's nerds like you who don't understand true beauty and art.
wow that
That was actually amazing when you compare it to your other replays.
Truly god tier swag.
actually wasn't too bad.
much movement improve
keep working that shit nikka
im being serious dawg.
Originally Posted by Hobo View Post
i'm better than you

if you don't cnc me you will be cursed by azuremage, the destroyer of christmas

yeah it was ok but make some more replays with more hits or something but nice
IM A TORI Gangster
So many people re-using openers so I don't even care anymore. Lift was awesome. Loved the spins before the dm's and how you transition to them. Kicks were good except the second one seemed kind of weak. (I think you did that on purpose) Boomhit from collision was poorly aimed, but I know you only did it for the arm dm. Good job again.