I love the market

Thanks to the GIANT increase in price, I now have like
100k profit maybe

Traded spiky hair for headphoens

Yeah ad an awesome set to go with it and a shit load of hairs,flames and 3D items!
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Flame market is shit sadly.

and I have like, nothing to sell really.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Im broke also.
Selling something? Need some toricredits? Click this quickly.
Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Items market is shit. Deal with it... :<
I'm broke also
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Everything is shit. ripperino.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
ahh i really need deals today.
2.3k profit and everything sucks
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Selling on the market get you lot more profits. All you need is just patience and stuff.
Selling something? Need some toricredits? Click this quickly.
Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
Selling on the market get you lot more profits. All you need is just patience and stuff.

all i need is items -_-.
no one is selling me stuff
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Nope. Market is really really too long for me.
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!