Name, etc? Brandon Jones, 12 (13 in 2 days from this post), 40 days.
Clans? [Para], [a], [c], [CoL].
Belt? Blue, 424 Qi.
Modes? I love Taekkyon, and the mode I am best in is Aikido.
Flavour? Vanilla.
Virgin? Yes, I am a virgin.
Status? Single.
Cup Size? I have a C cup.
Underwear? I have a variety of boxers.

Bouncy wants me because I do not have a credit card yet, and I do not have/can download AIM. I currently have 100 Toricredits. I am pretty good in-game, and I can get high streaks if I really try. I am very active on the forums, and I try my best to be active in IRC. I am not very active in-game. I know that I joined not to long ago, but I am pretty sure that on of my accounts had a join date of 2009, and then I kinda just dropped the game and rejoined, then drop, the rejoin, and now I am here ect.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
Name, etc? Emil dimitrov, 10, 2 mounths
Clans? [Bleu]
Modes? Aikido,judo
Belt: Brown
Flavour? Vegetables
Virgin? No
Status? I am single.
Cup Size?No cup
Underwear? hanes
Last edited by regva; Apr 16, 2011 at 06:49 AM.
Originally Posted by megaJuice View Post
RedApple! How've you been bro?

On and off active since I've resigned from smod. Meh, kinda bored overall