I miss you too morals not much longer my love. not much longer
Stay humbility and you will shake it til you make it ;)
Mmm I'm likely just bored
I just realised somthing.

Never, ever and I mean EVER, raise a 12 year old £1 .-.
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
Originally Posted by ConCon View Post
Why are you playing poker with 12 year olds then?

Here is the thing. He asked me for a £1. I said no. Then he started moaning for soo long. I eventually gave him the £1. He is the only one who he has paid me back where as other people haven't repaid me for years. It has been going for 3 weeks and he still hasn't paid me back. He said
12 year old: Tomorrow
12 year old: Tomorrow
12 year old: Do it on Friday
12 year old: Ill give it to you on Monday.
12 year old: Tomorrow
12 year old: Friday dude

Damn. I can express how many times he said that. It just pisses me off when he does that. Then i asked him today and he said "Yo. I don't have it today. Ill give it to you on Monday I promise'' Then i saw him looking at his friend to not pay him back. Last time, i threatened him to pay it on Monday or else ill stop giving him money. ik he wont pay me cuz he is a fagget like all of the other 12 year olds. Legends still haves it that He is still waiting just to revive his money back
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
Originally Posted by ConCon View Post
It works with clan names?? Wow

Yep sure does! I only recently discovered that myself actually


Originally Posted by Morals View Post
Why are there 7 banned people in your clan 3 which are leaders

Because the leaders are idiotic people
I need a recording feature without any watermark and also provide the best HD ;C
[insert generic quotes from certain players]