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Gamemasters recruiting!

Hey there guys! Once again, it's time for the GameMasters to recruit some fresh blood.
There are no requirements based on belt, post count or length of time you've been around.
We're looking for reliable, active and enthusiastic people who are outgoing and personable.
It's a free form application, that means there's no set format, you include however much you feel is needed, GMT, languages, when you're active etc etc
That kind of stuff.
Applications should be sent to Erth or Thorn.

Before writing it up though, you may wanna check THIS THING HERE out. Dargon's been lovely enough to tell you how to make a good not totally balls app

The deadline for applications is (2 weeks after this thread is posted)

Any posts saying "Just sent my app" or "Good luck" will be deleted and infracted

P.S Posting in this thread will not help your chances. We're going on the assumption that most posts here will be full-retard
Last edited by Erth; Oct 4, 2013 at 01:31 AM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by emoney78 View Post
You said age does not matter but think for a sec, what if a 10 or 12 year old became a gm they don't have that level of maturate, Do you know how bad that will look, He would or might ban people for beating him in the game, Im just saying that would not look good at all.
unless they are 12 and have that level of maturate but thats kinda rare

Hence the reason there is a trial period.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Okay that's gone around in circles long enough. Yes it is technically possible for a young person to behave. We are recruiting GMs. We don't hire people just because they are mature, we hire them to host events. If it's clear that someone can't even behave sensibly, we're obviously not going to hire them.
Originally Posted by 77077 View Post
Can we shovel as GM or run in wushu or ragequit?

Are you serious right now? Never post stupid stuff here again. ty
Hello. I am not really interrested to become a GM, I have just a question about this position : What exactly do a GM ? Thanks for your answer

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Host things. Sort out In game scams. Support People.

Basically In game police, I think this round of apps has ended but they're always recruiting so get your app in quickly!
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Name: Nathan Chen
Belt level: Black Belt (Had a Lost Account of 3rd dan) Still not that high

Why Do i Want to Become a GM?: I Would Love to Become a GM to Be Known Throughout the Community and to help new players and maybe even old players on what they need. i think i could be a useful GM because i can help players move smoothly through the Forums and in game. I can Host tourneys and servers for everyone to have fun and make some new friends. I had held Servers for past clans just for fun's sake and 1 global betting on this account :3. I see the meaning of a GM is a friendly player who is willing to help out others when they need it and not for the selfishness of themselves. GM's Are supposed to respect others and listen to them. GM's in conclusion are helpful essentials to today's toribash community.

Thanks for Reading my App!
Hope it wasnt too long :3
and hope i am a good Canidate to actually become one of the members of the toibash community ^.^
You do not post you application here, PM it to either Erth or Thorn.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Are you serious right now? Never post stupid stuff here again. ty

Mhmm... Why don't you guys let us have fun:/
Well serious question:is there a command for GM to have tcs well tarlan said yes and he said that's why firebolty had that much tc.And he was not kidding.
Originally Posted by 77077 View Post
Mhmm... Why don't you guys let us have fun:/
Well serious question:is there a command for GM to have tcs well tarlan said yes and he said that's why firebolty had that much tc.And he was not kidding.

I just facepalmed at that question. Really.

Where is the logic in having a command to get TC? More importantly, why would GM's get it? They are volunteers, they are not supposed to get paid. Having a get TC command would ruin one of the main objectives of the game; racking up toricredits, and not to mention ruin the economy as they could easily be made and sent out. inb4hyperinflation.

Firebolty marketed a lot, that is why he had a load of TC.
Last edited by Albus; Sep 26, 2013 at 07:46 PM.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?