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Nabi's Christmas Main Event.
Nabi's Christmas Main Event.
Christmas time will be here in just over 1 month so i have setup 2 special matches to celebrate it with Toribash.

Nabi's Christmas Main Event.

Top 6 Players will be announced on the 16th of December

the Main Event will consist of
1vs1 x1 Judo : January 6th at 0200GMT

2vs2 x1 Wushu- Judo REMOVED

:Both events will be 1 hr long in an every man for himself fight for the most points.
:There will be spectating allowed, but anyone who is being offensive or complaining will be removed.
:There is to be no swearing at other players or racism at all.
:If the competitor is unable to attend at the Event he/she is in they may find a replacement player of there choice.
:If you donate and do not really have the amount or cannot pay you will be removed from this tournament permanently.

1vs1: LARGE AMOUNT OF TC 175k & ELF SET!!!!

"Lets Get It On"
NabiTourney Host

The 6 Donators
ronalds PAID
1,000,000 PAID
Patrick_Unrated PAID
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Jan 4, 2008 at 04:31 AM.
welp, since i'm getting no response, might as well humiliate in public.

<Kai-Tiger> your knocked off the Christmas tournament u know?
<Psy-T> that doesn't make any sense
<Psy-T> my last post in that thread bumped both playerid666 and esse off the list
<Psy-T> after which i was bumped one spot down (from 5th to 6th) by ronalds
<Psy-T> i should still be in
<Sleeping-Tiger> nope
<Sleeping-Tiger> you were at the bottom
<Psy-T> my last bid was 16100
<Psy-T> esse's bid is 16000

let's run you through the last month's updates, because you seem to have your head stuck up so far back to not even realize what's goin on around you.

on november 30th, these were the potential participants:
Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
Psy-T 15200tc

Yesterday PlayerID666 had a bidding war with me, the changes to the table we've had since were:

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
PlayerID666 15300tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
Psy-T 15400tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
PlayerID666 15500tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
Psy-T 15600tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
PlayerID666 15701tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
Psy-T 15900tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Esse 16000tc
PlayerID666 16000tc

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Psy-T 16100tc
Esse 16000tc
PlayerID666 16000tc

this was the end of the bidding war between me and PID666. note the fact I am in the 5th rank of that table, where Esse and PID666 are tied for the sixth rank.

from this point on, only one additional bid was made, this one by ronalds, it changed the table to:

Isha 30000tc
Xero_Kazuma 20000tc
ronalds 17600tc
1,000,000 17500tc
Patrick_Unrated 17000tc
Psy-T 16100tc

note the fact i am still in the fucking table. and stop being so blindly persistant.
Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
a pm was sent 7 days ago it was your own fault for not paying attention

7 days ago?
To who?

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

My apologies Psy-T i've been rather stressed and was just doing a quick sweep and Ronalds bid kinda threw me off your bid

i have notified Esse and your on the list

666 it was sent to the 6 top donators at the time.
Are we ever going to get a time for this, and the event so we know what to practice.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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will this be the debut of 4player mp fights? or will we get a chance to practice it online before it's go-time?