That's the problem, I never dissed Leo..habeeb said something to me and I responded, everyone assumes I started shit, fuck that...
I N C R E D I B L E H !
If you want to continue feel free to pm me but this is a single allies list.

Not the place for arguments.
There is nothing to argue about I offered to put it all behind us and you never agreed, so fuck it, KRISTIS toast and I will conversate about you being on the allies list...til then sit tight and refrain from smart comments with our members.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Why do you act like your higher up in the clan when you just joined?

Also put what behind us, you said I started shit and I just said I didn't when did disagree with putting it behind me.
Ermm, absolutely no to Minswiped, he's annoying as fuck to be honest.
I don't seriously want to see him around here.
It's All About Expansion