
cooked this shit up.
fits topic.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
It slowly becomes dead. Compare games quality nowdays and back then.
Few years ago I was finishing games in every possible way for example: Gothic II, Oblivion or Fallout. I finished campaign in CoD or Cod 2 like 1738124721 times. Now after finishing mw3 I regret spending money on it.
Back then I could buy a brand new game for 100pln ~25 euro there was a lot of free content like guides, artbooks, maps etc, now nearly every new game costs around 150-200 pln and all I get is a cd in a box and an option to get a DLC.
Also reviving good old games and totally failing at it as example take a look at Duke Nukem. Maybe it's just me or communites in games are becoming full of kids and flaming retards.
nice one bumhunter
Ye, that is actually true. By gaming I meant the gaming market, which is actually getting bigger and bigger.
But yeah, you are absolutely right. These days developers just want to make big cash and don't really care about quality. They just pump out a ton of DLCs and think they're doing a good job... Back in the days games were quality shit! There were so many details and stuff.
The only developer which didn't go full retard until now is Valve actually. I think they're still making good games and they take their time to actually make them something good.
I dunno if you could say the same about Blizzard since I heard a lot of different opinions on D3. But I think they're actually doing a good job even though they are together with Activision.
Don't really feel like gaming that much these days. I don't feel anything "addicting" about today's games anymore.
There is one game I don't regret buying lately.
Witcher 2. 79,99PLN for enhanced edition, good game, great addons, great price.
Yep, CDProjekt feels like saviour of gaming, because they actually care about the quality of their stuff. hurrdurrpolishpride

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Speaking of Polish game-dev-teams.

Ever played Dead Island by Techland?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Finished it with my brother in co-op, pretty cool game but a bit boring later, It's more like courier symulator with zombies.
I'd actually like to try out DayZ since everyone is going mental about it these days. Seems to be quite interesting and if they fix some shit it will be the ultimate Zombie Survival game.

Cba to buy Arma II though...
somebody playing fifa 12 on ps3? (:

Do you guys tryed out some new games lately`?