too lazy to name this replay so its a full release not a wip k
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wips5.rpl (186.0 KB, 26 views)
alright guy
thanks for all the cnc guys
okay then have some mediocre
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beatdown boulevard.rpl (205.3 KB, 55 views)
Last edited by fudgiebalz; Sep 12, 2014 at 08:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
alright guy
opener was great. I really liked that first kick that got uke's head and shoulders off. The follow-up kick to the torso was alright. Also, keep on spinning.
@wips5: I loved it
split was cash, boom was $$$
The way your right arm stayed stiff during the boom looked awkward though
The only thing i really thought was weird is how you twitched into place for the midair front flip before landing
pro replay
the pose was my favourite
i do not have much to say because this is a quite simple replay. your held movement looked a bit stiff when you were moving slowly, but for the most part you managed to cover up the stiffness with the speed
oh yeah
i agree

good twists
good speed

now do something over the top and ridiculous
the goblin
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
i agree

good twists
good speed

now do something over the top and ridiculous

if you tell me how
alright guy