Trump is what the country needs, not crooked Hillary.

Hillary is like having 12 years of Obama. Look at what he did. Mitt Romney should have won.
Originally Posted by GoTrump View Post
Trump is what the country needs, not crooked Hillary.

Hillary is like having 12 years of Obama. Look at what he did. Mitt Romney should have won.

Are you implying that Mitt Romney isn't just a male republican Hillary Clinton? Because iirc, he basically was
Originally Posted by GoTrump View Post
Are you just going to say something and not explain?

If Mitt Romney was a woman, he'd be Hillary Clinton. If Hillary Clinton was a man, she'd be Mitt Romney.

What else do I need to explain?

Responses: Bod, GoTrump

Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton very recently, and instead of Hillary's numbers going up significantly, Stein instead has received a tremendous boost in grassroots campaign donations. She claims on her facebook page that donations have increased 10x since Sanders' endorsement. It'll be interesting to see whether more disenfranchised 'Bernedout' folks will flock to her campaign in the near future.

Cornell West also recently endorsed Jill Stein, so who knows if other very progressive voices in the nation will follow suit and lead to a bump in her numbers or what.

Johnson and Stein are both suing to get into the debates as well. Both have active petitions.

Oh, right. The Dem platform has also been drafted. It calls for a 15 dollar minimum wage, the tpp, "debt free" college (tuition free public college for households making 85,000 or less, pretty sure it has tons of loopholes but it's looking like an amazing starting point - whether or not it gets fought for is another thing), a call for an end to racism (not sure if they outlined any solutions to the REAL problems regarding, but w/e), harsher gun control regulations, and other stuff I'm forgetting.

The current draft of the Republican platform calls for a Christian theocracy. Laws that reflect the bible, encouraging that the bible be taught in schools, and other stuff that goes against what the constitution stands for. They also call for less gun regulation, a ban on gay adoption, an amendment reversing the gay marriage decision, and other stuff I'm glad to forget.
Last edited by pouffy; Jul 15, 2016 at 07:13 AM.
God no, absolutely not. I think she's a lesser evil than Trump is (mostly because he's economically illiterate when it comes to a national economy (managing a business is extremely different from managing the economic environment of a nation) and the fact that he wants to kill civilians in the middle east), but I'd never even consider voting for her.

I personally really like Jill Stein (I included information in a previous post on both 3rd party candidates).
Last edited by pouffy; Jul 15, 2016 at 07:18 AM. Reason: is it just me or is it hot in here
I like Trump, i wouldn't call him the ''lesser of two evils'' but i feel i could see him as a good President. Glad the ''Trump is a racist'' and ''Trump is a sexist'' has now died down from people watching the news and the ''Hillary for prison'' is running, a little late frankly but at least it will kill some of her voters. I want a woman president...just not her.
Both of them are idiots. Hillary will likely win because she is a women, though we will probably not have another women for president for a looooong time.

I prefer Hillary only because I feel that if she dealt with foreign affairs, she wouldn't insult someone important and get us nuked all in the same day.
(they are both criminals)
Last edited by FruitCandy; Jul 19, 2016 at 06:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by FruitCandy View Post
I prefer Hillary only because I feel that if she dealt with foreign affairs, she wouldn't insult someone important and get us nuked all in the same day.

What part of her track record says that to you? The weakest part of her platform is foreign affairs, she's proven to be terrible in foreign dealings

Also, she's a war hawk in every sense of the word, would not trust her with our peace