General basic knowledge !important

Datatypes in C++


@Lost: Cancle me as Teacher! I'll be leavin this game, but dont wanted to do it without doing anything, so here you have something you always can look at if you should forget which is used how etc.
Last edited by BlueEvil; Oct 29, 2017 at 11:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Sad to see a teacher go. I do appreciate the tutorials you have made.
They are very helpful. Good Luck with whatever your doing outside of TB <3
@Lost: Your lesson 1 pictures are gone if you didn't notice.

@BlueEvil: Sorry to see you going, good luck with the real world!
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Update: Lost is taking a break from tb, and will be gone for a while with that being said some small changes have been made to keep the organization running, those being that Ryan/lxor, is now in charge of the organization, as well as i am now helping to run it, until he gets back.
no idea :shrug:

i've updated the op and i'll probably be changing the tutorials section to just link to other posts in a little while, rather than ramming them into the main one

i changed a few things but overall it should run mostly the same way i think.

[5:50 AM] ryan: i don't think it really makes sense to have separate apps for teacher/leader, or to deny any member apps so i'll drop those for now, but if you think there's a reason they should exist let me know

so what's everyone working on? i'm mad tired right now but i'll post a mini update thing in a few hours probably
Hello there beautiful people. My name is Kris and this is my application.
I want to join this organization to help others, share my workings, and hang out.
My experience with coding is quite lengthy. I know python, perl, html, css, and Javascript.
For a long time my main hobby was web design. I realised that it wasn't the best way to go.
So I then moved on to coding for websites (web development).
On the way I learned python and perl as my weaker but still fluent code languages.
I am a great person for newer peeps to ask question about networks, penetration, web design, and web development.
I live in Georgia, although I am up off and on to check forums all throughout the night.
I am pretty much as active as I can get without collapsing.
I would love to make some web development tutorials at first, then move on to perl and python.
I hope my application is acceptable. Thank you for reading <3