Why the hell are you posting replays in Deejayy's thread? Post them in the epic replay thread, that's what it's there for.

Edit: beat me to it >.>
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time

-Boomhit, a big one
-Usage of uke's leg, creative
-Primalrage, the main ingredient in a madman
-Too Symmetrical moves at the start
-Ugly headbutt dismemberment
-Rather clumsy looking followup after the decap
Final score: 7.8/10

Defenetly not the best I've seen from you.


-No grab
-Standup pose
-Strange decap
-No brutality
Final score: 8.5/10

Much better than Lolbewm in my opinion. No ugly headbutts in this one :P

[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Thanks for that Tempo. That format of replay commentating would require effort and I really appreciate you spending time to do that!


I actually thought the headbutt was pretty cool. Nograb headbutts are tough to make look nice. The follow-up flowed and didn't really look clumsy to me, but I don't mind you saying that. IMO, it's still possibly the best replay I've made.
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and stuff.
I liked the headbut, and I LOVED the boom. <3 hitting uke with more uke.

Edit: as for tapdance, o_o. I liked how the majority of the replay was in 30 frames. So much awesome and win.
Last edited by War_Hero; Aug 28, 2009 at 10:55 AM.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
Thanks for that Tempo. That format of replay commentating would require effort and I really appreciate you spending time to do that!

You're welcome

I was thinking about getting a new reviewing system that is more analysis like.

Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and stuff.

That's indeed true

Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
I actually thought the headbutt was pretty cool. Nograb headbutts are tough to make look nice. The follow-up flowed and didn't really look clumsy to me, but I don't mind you saying that. IMO, it's still possibly the best replay I've made.

Yes, it's defenetly one of the better ones I've seen from you. But I thought it was kind of a flaw in the replay. I don't really know why to be honest but I didn't like it. I've seen so many of your replays and after watching the best of them I thought that your Lolbewm replay wasn't as good as for example, I'mBackBaby or TapDance. They both kicked so much ass I expected your Lolbewm replay to be like "WOWOMG!!". It's not your best one, but it's still a fucking boss replay.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
that in air replay was amazing, but i have to say that i liked tap dance better it was absolutly amazing how fast uke was destryed using only your feet...that was an amazing reaplay 10/10
hehe nice replays here.
beginning from all over the shop, or how's called:
the first was pretty nice. I like how you use in your replays the back kick: you grab, find a way for hitting uke from behind then rotate, leave the grab and....KABOOOOSHHH bai uke. 8.5/10
the second...uhmm I dunno if it was your best replay, but still very nice, war-hero explains well what I mean :3. 9.4/10, I generally don't vote over 9 but this included a kind of manipulating, acceptable for something over 9.
the third...gawd that was fast, you feet looked like instagib (they weren't obviously <.<) the climax of the replay was like an explosion, first you dm the kne with a simple touch then uke wasn't here in some frames. 9.4/10

great replays deejay, keep them coming
Awesome replays as usual but there's something about your replays that I don't like. I don't know what bet there's something.