Hi EonXeon.
Some members already voted and we come to the following conclusion:

We don't want a player in our clan who nobody knows.
Also you should know, that we are not as active as you think we are.

So this is my suggestion:
Think over if you really want to be part of a clan that does less than 1 war in a month and rarely has more than one member online at a time.
If you still wanna be a part of the oldest and greatest clan of all time, we need to get to know you.
Join our wibbles, tell us at what time we can find you in the game and join us on discord as well.
evil Führer of Evil
Basically what your saying is get to know people in Evil better? I think about it as u said this clan isn't that active anymore
Last edited by EonXeon; Sep 27, 2017 at 01:50 AM.
Official Pro Leg Grabber /[Team Aikido]
Originally Posted by EonXeon View Post
Basically what your saying is get to know people in Evil better? I think about it as u said this clan isn't that active anymore

Cool go away then
We are a technically active clan, we just dont play Toribash much anymore as a collective.
The Official [Evil] Hitman
CashGod | ♫ Joven Dios ♫
Why did you pick Evil, what makes us any different from other clans?
I decided to choose Evil because i used to be in it a while back and left for personal reasons (i think Polybius can confirm that), so with that being said, the main reason i decided to go with evil is because all members that i know of are pretty laid back and like to hang around and chat, i've recently been voice chatting with Ryder, playing games with brawlhalla with him, we got into a quick aikido room and i said i didn't know what clan i wanted to join next (because of my 'bad past' if you know what i mean), however, with me getting into more games and getting into the community more i'm willing, and ready to fix my habbits and overall attitude towards the game. I feel as if Evil will be a good place to fit for me since i'm more of a forum user than in game and as you stated in the OP, Evil is a forum clan so i feel as if it would be best. So what does make you different from other clans? I feel as if most if not all recent clans are in game clans or warring clans and me not being in game as much since i happen to be getting into other games, and this being a forum clan, it would certainly fit me; Aswell as i miss you guys, like Damano, rcrichman and all you guys. Always have felt like a family to me and honestly, no clan has came close to the 'family' feeling like Evil.

In what ways do you think you'll be a good addition of the community?
I believe i will be a good addition because i'm laid back most of the time, I like to play other games with people, voice chat, just overall hang around and 'chill' if you know what i mean. If anything i think i will be a good addition to Evil for activity and overall someone to hang with and talk to.

Are you active on the forums?
Quite, i hang around mostly in clan related boards, and sometimes the market and wibbles especially, because i like to have a good laugh. If anything though i could improve, and i am willing to do so.

Have you ever been banned before? (If so for what? Include your alts...)
my old user was Sentient, changed user and i don't remember to what exaclty, back around 2008-2014 got banned for duel scamming this one kid because he took an item from me and i got mad (took meaning i 'sold' it to him but he never sent the tc).

Do you have any alts? (if so, name them.)
[u]Sentient, which i had a name changed to idk what

How many members (of evil) are you friendly with? Can you name them?
Rcrichman, Ryder24, Polybius, Damano1, Taco, tictacky, Oaky; that's about it as far i know of.

What clans were you previously in? Did you leave them or were you kicked out?
(R) Royal, [Origin] Origin, [u] Ultimate, And a lot more, as i have a long past and things. left royal as i was the leader and it wasn't going no where, Origin died so i left, got kicked from [u] for the ban reason stated above.

Do you have any special skills? (If so, please share your work/skill.)
I am a programmer, github is https://github.com/Eterniuum, i also am trying to get into design, and things but don't currently have a place to put them. I also want to get into replay editing and other things like that, maybe even COD edits or so, i have no idea honestly.

Also if you want my steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/impyxelz

I am Evil.
Last edited by hanna; Oct 15, 2017 at 09:29 AM.
- Why did you pick Evil, what makes us any different from other clans?

I like seeing a clan that is well organized and where the members are polite.

- Are you active on the forums?

I think i am, at least i try to be.

- Have you ever been banned before? (If so for what? Include your alts...)


- Do you have any alts? (if so, name them.)

My main was created 3 years ago i got to blue belt on it but after one update you couldn't log into toribash with a steam account so i haven't played in about 3 years and now i have decided that i want to paly again, so i came back.

- How many members (of evil) are you friendly with? Can you name them?


- What clans were you previously in? Did you leave them or were you kicked out?


- Do you have any special skills? (If so, please share your work/skill.)

I can speak english quite good and im bilingual so i speak german and polish to (and i can read russian)

I am Evil
Originally Posted by Zardowedth View Post
- Why did you pick Evil, what makes us any different from other clans?

I like seeing a clan that is well organized and where the members are polite.

- Are you active on the forums?

I think i am, at least i try to be.

- Have you ever been banned before? (If so for what? Include your alts...)


- Do you have any alts? (if so, name them.)

My main was created 3 years ago i got to blue belt on it but after one update you couldn't log into toribash with a steam account so i haven't played in about 3 years and now i have decided that i want to paly again, so i came back.

- How many members (of evil) are you friendly with? Can you name them?


- What clans were you previously in? Did you leave them or were you kicked out?


- Do you have any special skills? (If so, please share your work/skill.)

I can speak english quite good and im bilingual so i speak german and polish to (and i can read russian)

I am Evil

Hi Zardowedth.
sorry you do not meet some of the minimum requirements to join [Evil]. you still have a lot to learn and grow in this game. you are welcome to apply again in the future and until then we wish you good luck.


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