I highly encourage everyone to join our discord because we actually do things there, yesterday we had (for a few seconds) a 5 man party :O
Originally Posted by SrCheetah View Post
I highly encourage everyone to join our discord because we actually do things there, yesterday we had (for a few seconds) a 5 man party :O

for a few seconds LMAO


but what if new people wanna join?
Last edited by xGodEnzx; Apr 15, 2017 at 06:36 AM.
They join and we add them to discord, easy.
We won't totally forget about the org you know it'll just be like a way to apply to join our discord channel.

Yo cheetah, add discord to the application form.
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I swear I posted the application a long time ago and and I have become a member of this org but my name is not on the list
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