I was inactive because my internet cut off when I woke up.

No internet for a day. And now I need to use Google to find this thread.

Anyway, I like regular show too.

Although I have cartoons, Animes, and reality shows far too elaborate to want to discuss. I can mention them if you want though.
Only TV series I'm watching is Supernatural (and Top Gear, if that counts ), the first two seasons of Supernatural were quite good, 3rd one was fine as well, season 4 and 5 however (If I've been counting correctly) were meh. 6th one seems to be fine again.

Beside of that, I'm only watching animes, but I don't think they count as TV series, so they'll get mentioned somewhen else.
I love topgear :P. Supernatrual is not bad eather but its not really my type of genre. I dont really watch any series atm. I used to watch HIMYM though it kinda got boring over time.
Last edited by shrimp24; Oct 7, 2013 at 04:32 PM.
I'm not into those zombie killing vampire shooting stuff. Too gimmicky.

Stuff like that isn't a big interest to TV watchers that like funny stuff and realistic animation.

The only zombie Death thing I like is Soul Eater.
It's cheap because they try to look like a thriller. It seems based off of something too original.

I'm not interested in one-base things. Such as games. (IT'SA ME, MARIO, AND I HAVE COME TO SAVE DE PRINCESS ONCE AGAIN)

Shows like supernatural, I've assumed that it's just zombies, ghosts, vampires, blood, and strange things happening. Nothing more. but I'm starting to think it has a point for some reason.
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
Shows like supernatural, I've assumed that it's just zombies, ghosts, vampires, blood, and strange things happening.

I think they've killed almost every creature that's mentioned in myths and legends.
So yeah, they've also killed gods, angels and quite a few more things I've forgotten the names of
That makes it even more cheesy. But I'll respect your interests.

Here's a topic just to add onto your posts.

Have any of you been getting any info on how he [Hunters] Clan Video will be?
Last edited by omegadark1; Oct 11, 2013 at 06:44 PM.