Fixed various bugs.

However circles don't appear to draw correctly in 3.8 (rounded edges are now odd) do not appear to be drawing in 3.8, I'll see what I can do about this..
i downloaded it with 3.7 and it worked, but i cant remember how i downloaded it and so now i cant figure out how to download it and so it wont work for 3.8, can anyone help me?
How's that Chicken Burger Doomsday?
Just extract it all to toribash 3.8/data/scripts and then run !Shadermixer.lua
sup blam, my shadermixer wont work !, because i extract the gui file into the data and then shaders file, then i extract the shadermixer.lua file into the scripts file and then i try to load it up and it just says 'error loading shadermixer.lua' and i dont know what to do! please help!

EDIT ; Lol i figured it out, thanks sooo much Blam it rox!
Last edited by skillz88; Aug 17, 2009 at 01:32 PM.