Originally Posted by Razasha View Post

I'm Brazilian

Originally Posted by Danzos View Post
^^ im shitting brix atm and gettin eyegasm

And I... I just cant believe its all 256 : D (except for the head ofc)
Only thing Im gonna say Razasha - just continue. This is really good, maybe not what I expected exactly, but no changes to be made atm. Just cant wait to see arm textures! : D Hope they would fit well.
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Make hand textures like fists, armored glove (Not human fingers), Left fist with words - MAUY, Right fist - THAI. Put each letter on each finger. Dont have to make the letters very big, just visible, ok? : ) I leave the rest up to you.

Hmm I actually have one thing to change... Make the grey color on torso and thigh textures lighter shade of grey. Thigh and torso looks like Platinum and I want it to be more Quicksilver. Would that work? : )
Last edited by Flatnon; Dec 30, 2010 at 10:12 PM.
Nice one Raza, but... hehehe... I didnt mean to lower the contrast. : D I ment to just make the Platinum parts a bit more like Quicksilver : D The torso looks fine, cool even, but other parts just look like from a bad printer : D
Oh and btw - see the fists - I made a typo in last post - its supposed to be MUAY THAI, not MAUY. And you put MUAY on the left hand - MUAY = R_hand, THAI = L_hand... Ok? : D
Other than that, when you do those changes - we will see : )
If you cant understand send a private message to felipao so he can translate it for you.

I sent a message to felipao, he should translate it by tomorrow : ) Im going to sleep, good night.
Last edited by Flatnon; Dec 31, 2010 at 12:39 AM.
They are too light shade. Make Amber real Amber and Quicksilver and Platinum just Quicksilver. Same scheme (thighs same scheme too). I rly have to sleep now. Big party tomorrow... Haha, Bye
Razasha have someone translate it for you before you do any changes

Why dont you just keep the same style and stop mixing styles? Do those parts fit well together? Look at the legs... Legs as a limb not just the leg texture. Make a set that looks good put together... ok? Keep the head textures's style and remake thighs and biceps, triceps. And the hands - fists dont look very well. Give them a little more work.

And dont rush! You have lots of time to finish this request.
Last edited by Flatnon; Dec 31, 2010 at 10:31 AM.
ótimo Raza, mas ... hehehe ... Eu não quero diminuir o contraste. eu mecionei para fazer apenas as partes de platina um pouco mais como Quicksilver O tronco parece bem, legal mesmo, mas outras partes parecem apenas de uma impressora ruim
Ah, e btw - ver os punhos - Eu fiz um erro de digitação no post passado - seu suposto ser MUAY THAI não Mauy. E MUAY você coloca na mão esquerda - MUAY = R_hand, THAI = L_hand ... Ok?

Por que você não apenas mantem o mesmo estilo e para de misturar estilos? Será que essas parts se encaixam bem em conjunto? Olhe para as pernas ... Pernas, como um membro não apenas a textura da perna. Faça uma série que parece ser bom juntos ... ok? Mantenha o estilo texturas de cabeça e refaça coxas e bíceps, tríceps. E as mãos - não parece estar muito bem os punhos. Dê-lhes um pouco mais de trabalho.

E não se apresse! Você tem muito tempo para concluir este request
Bushido aikido player - songwriter/composer - I draw stuff