Flux the org will help noobs but wont put them on the list aslong as they are noobs.
Them not being on the list doenst mean we wont help them.
Sup nerd
Fluxorious this org is about helping others to get better at drawing and noobs can't help other noobs to get better at drawing so that's why we don't need to add them as members they can just post their stuff and we can give our opinion on it and help them get better.

(And I was too slow lolz)


This org for textures/drawing only? Gfx and type of things?
Last edited by Theory; Mar 12, 2016 at 05:17 PM.

Professional Graphic Designer
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Boom. It took me 3 weeks to get a response on my GATA application, and they denied my art skills. Go ahead and join GATA if you want.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
So its pretty much exactly GATA only unofficial, why can't we just go to GATA?

1. Because they aren't active
2. To join them your art skills needs to be superb

So if you want to join GATA or ask for any help on there then go ahead and wait for a month and maybe get a response from them or here are we that are active not so skilled as GATA guys but we know what we are doing. It's up to you to decide really but those are the facts.
Originally Posted by FruitCandy View Post
Boom. It took me 3 weeks to get a response on my GATA application, and they denied my art skills. Go ahead and join GATA if you want.

Who even takes 3 weeks to say that you're not accepted?!
Last edited by krisis13; Mar 12, 2016 at 09:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump