One last bump before I post more replays soon
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
relative nightmares: absolutely love the movement done, the way and the whole execution of the manip is awesome, except for being a bit slow in some parts, and the decap is also very good

round about: the opener is sweet, but I'll have to say you ruined the momentum with your right arm, I see the intention and the way you moved the arm but that was probably a bad decision imo. The double knees is massive, and all the kicks coming after are lovely. My favorite thing about this replay is how you manip uke's torso ripping off all the bodyparts you can, all kicks are neat

kekhah: this replay is really really impressive, each time you surprised me with something cool and different I didn't even have time to absorve it before you doing something more surprisingly. The opener is different by itself, the flip was good and the spins are amazing despite your momentum died, the way you apparently flowed over the whole opener as it was a single movement in order to lift uke is wonderful, the manip is cool but simples and you kept the previous flow/momentum to do this spinning kick that is awesome too
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Your movement is not fast but it's consistent, and also not stiff which I think is very impressive; it is a lot easier to mask unrefined movement at high speeds.
The only nitpick I have is the way you put your left hand on the floor for leverage at around frame 400 is a bit choppy. You also extended your arm suddenly at around 430 which is very minor but could have been avoided
oh yeah
Made a new replay as smooth and consistently fast as I could.
Might tweak some things since i feel like i could get a more even dm if i checked a ton more

Note: I've reposted this replay 4 different times because of getting that last good boomhit
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Last edited by Firesun; Jan 2, 2019 at 04:46 PM.
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
without going too deep on criticism, I want you to know that you did an amazing job in this one. I have some small complaints such as headbruise in opener (I usually dont mind headbruises but this one was particularly ugly/unnecessary) and overall arms and torso usage (stiffness).

Other that this, the manip is pure awesomeness, your strikes are solid and beautiful, plus bonus points for pose

great job
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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