i would go to the gun store near my house and buy a 50 cal barret with explosive rounds enough to last a life time. go jack the helicopter at the hospital and have faint pilot. land back at the hospital every time we need fuel. so basically fly very low altitude and blow the brains out of the brainless
i'd get a flamethrower. of backburner. Mrrmhf Mmm Mrrrrh!!!

also sandvich.
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Eat your brains.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
I would become their leader and rule the world, also I would have to become a vegetarian because they would eat everything with flesh.
I would go with my family,friend,girl i like and her family,go to a gun store,grab all the weapons we could,build some barricades,shoot the crap outa zombies with bazzokas etc,move each day to a place with a more cold climate and repupolate the world
Oh hai der ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
-This thread is now protected by Dbuhos and his sword-
I would firstly shut down the TV,turn the computer off too,and then take mine sword,scrissors,water,food,phone...and move to mine grandparents house,at the 2nd floor.(The house is as big as an...4-5 meters tree...bigger than mine house anyways..)

Then i would stalk from the window,ready to trow the flower pots.
As far as i know zombies are gonna get in the house,i would jump off the window,and if i jump off i get on the roof...and then i jump down (1-3 meters...) and the i would run and steal the nearest car,i would drive to the forest,and probably i would climb on the top of a tree...When the area is empty i would get the fuck out of the city and i would drive outside of the city,and i would go to the mountains.I would make sleep out,on the top of the mountain...And most likely i would get bored and i would get down and take some games,rpgs etc...or a book to read.

Then i would go to guns store,take a gun...most likely an Revolver.Then go home and take an spray and an lighter (fire fire fire !!!) and i would burn zombies to ashes.Then i would go to the mall to take food,clothes,botteled water,etc...Then i would steal another car and i would drive to the nearest castle,i would go the the top and i would barricade all the doors,then i would want,the zombies get in,i would use the spray and the lighter to burn them too hell...and well...i would wait for an...military heli,or an nuclear/atomic bomb (preferably an Tsar bomb)to destroy me and all the zombies...

Damn, my plan was good even back then, update time.

Pack as many bottles of juice,water, get few pens,paper,mirror,MP3 (so I don't get bored) my Warhammer codexes collection (20-30 books, good enough to read),a mobile ladder, a sleeping bag, pillow... and my god damn axe.
Then I'd go for to the empty mining tower from around 3-4 kilometers away from where I live, it's around 11-12 meters tall, there is no way in beside climbing the 4 vertical cement columns. I'd set up my ladder then climb up and get my ladder back. Set up the camp up there (there are no ashes nor minerals there, it's empty.Rest 3-4 hours from time to time.)

When I have to, I'll get down via the ladder and scavenge in the city for supplies, loot an ATV, get back to the mining tower park my ATV near it.
If I would see a big (over 80 zombies) wave coming I'd jump the fuck off and ride my ATV, searching for a fort, bunker with humans or something safe.
If there is nothing like that, I'd just get into a tall suite, destroy the towers, get on the roof and stay there.And move when needed, etc. :3

If I see any rescue helicopter I'd show it where I am by redirecting the light via the mirror. So I don't have to alert more zombies. o7.
Centuries Of Damn
Ehhh, no weapos in my house, so I would probably dismantle my bike, use what I can get. Grab all the food I can ( I do not eat much, 1 up for me), and gtfo. Probably set up camp in a weapon shop, take the most powerful, light gun I can get, Lotsa ammo, wait. Look for more of my kind, if I die, ho hum. There goes the world.
All you guys act like you'd actually be able to do something.
In reality, everyone would have already thought like you, so all the gun shops would have been raided.
Most likely, all of you would have died.
And all of your plans are unrealistic.

Mine is the most realistic, hiding under a bed and crying is what I would totally do.
If they don't find me under my bed, I'll probably die of starvation.
Originally Posted by Khocol4te View Post
All you guys act like you'd actually be able to do something.
In reality, everyone would have already thought like you, so all the gun shops would have been raided.
Most likely, all of you would have died.
And all of your plans are unrealistic.

Mine is the most realistic, hiding under a bed and crying is what I would totally do.
If they don't find me under my bed, I'll probably die of starvation.

yeah, your right. but in my case, where i live is a tourist town and 3/4 of the town is part-time residents. and the most people in town during a holiday is about 3000. and all the surrounding areas are smaller than us, and have at least a few miles between them.

the other thing that no one considers is that it wont be like one day you wake up and the whole world has gone to crap. it will take a few months for the disease to spread all over the world.
as soon as the first infections start, im selling all of our stocks, withdrawing all money from the bank, and buying as many supplies as i can