@ varkenoss.. yeah.. youre on the right way, but i dont like the glasses.. they dont look that good, and .. at the left side ( from the picture the right) the hairs are longer.. make them on the same longness

@teknik , yeah.. you too you guys started to understand what i am looking for.. yesh.. add more details at the hairs and make sunglasses..

@noscd okay. i wait for your entry

@chris , wow real awesome head dude! could i see it please ingame? i think i got a few edit ideas.. but first i want to see it ingame^^
My Attempt:
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
I'm one of the best request makers of the whole toribash.
The best RM's at this time are:
Not skilled enough))

if you put my name next to yours once again i'll make sure you will regret it, our similarities are nonexistent.

gleb , esteste and you are just rookies, gleb do d/p , esteste has no skill , and you , i won't talk about you that 'd be a waste of time , people see how pathetic you are by themselves.
thats a weee bit harsh dont ya think?
Anyways yeah wat ever ling i'll work on it.
you want them over the eyes themselves? or just on the head? and some detail to the hair...
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by WhirlWindX View Post
Youre asking for an original emo head? lmao, good luck with that, mr.unique.


but skilled texturerz can make anything out of anything.
so thats why we try.

And geez is no texturer nice besides JumalanKasi, Nasuke and (maybe :3) me?
I swear its virtual money and people get so fried over nothing.\

I thikn thats unique and I certainly would remember you by that BTW

EDITZ: heeeeeeeeya its eeeeeez hope you like it. if i added "detail" to the head it would look weird. Tips from teh texturer

There hope you like it.. anything else? dont liek the glasses? probably wont....
Anywayz post fast!
Last edited by Teknik; Mar 13, 2010 at 12:17 PM.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
I think I'm going to redo the whole hair and glasses, so I'm pretty much just gonna keep the face, because in that attempt I accidently merged the hair layer with the face before doing the shadow under it, so it'll look much better than that. If I do it quick before anyone else posts on this thread, then I guess I'll edit it onto this, but if someone else posted before I finish, then I'll just make a new post.
Gabiel,your in high mind of yourself.
I can do much better if i want,but,i just don't want to waste my time.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Surely if you wanted.
You could do better if you actually COULD d better.
Lexx,stop saying that you're so great.
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
Gabiel,your in high mind of yourself.
I can do much better if i want,but,i just don't want to waste my time.

can't you shut up ?
toribash is a video game , so it's already waste of time for you.
the funny thing is that you waste time for nothing , i mean, you're here since 2007 and still the same big mouth , you have earned any notoriety , or maybe some but not in the right way.

so shut up and estimate youself happy nabi studios let you post here.
Last edited by gabiel; Mar 13, 2010 at 03:35 PM.