Originally Posted by Leike View Post
This dream was about 2 months ago.

I was alone on the hills and there was a silence. suddenly some creepy boogie began to walk towards me. I runned like hell and all suddenly he was next to me.
and he watched me for long time and i was watching back. Then my alarm clock rang and i was so happy it was just a dream

here's a photo of that boogie, and yea that boogie is from moomins children's program:

OMG I F***in' loved that.
This episode always scared me.

This morning I had a terrible nightmare where my house was haunted by some demon posessed pig.
One of the things that hapenned was me slowly waking up and blinking and slowly getting picked up by something then it shaked me and I thought it was all real.
The atmosphere was really scary.
Tint is sex.
Strangest dream I've had:

I'm was in this massive house, and it's kinda dark and gloomy.
As I walked down one long corridor, suddenly a fat guy with a blue t-shirt pops up outta the floor and says 'You got money for doughnuts?'.
I run past him and there's a light bulb hanging from the ceiling.Suddenly it starts to unscrew itself, and it falls off. Then, all these clowns started squeezing outta the hole where the light bulb was! I run through this door, and there's this computer, and it keeps shooting pens at me <.<

Then I woke up
I once dreamt I was getting anal raped by Brian from family guy then his dick turned into a screwdriver and it turned on, so it drilled thhrough my ass and detonated the bomb inside my penis brain lobe (I dont know either) then I woke up in hospital and they where saying about how I wont ever be able to dance again, then I slowy got up and started trusting when a nurse came along and started eating her foot... I woke up and I was ITCHY AS HELL
.... the only dream i EVER remember having
Something about busses:D
Once i had dis dream where i was in this hotel in las vegas, i was with my whole family, and we were chillin, watchin some tv, and looking out the window at the strip, then osama bin ladin came in and tied us up, he was carrying an ak-47, and he put bombs in our room, ALOT of them. and he told us they will explode by sunrise, (it was like 2 am btw) i was like oshi, and we couldnt move. then i tried loosening my rope with my arm and al of a sudden i felt a sharp pain in my arm, and it was a big knife, the i couldnt feel my arm, or move it. the i was like FUCK THIS, and i took the knife and cut our ropes off, and we jumped out of the window (yeah, i dont know why we didnt just use the lobby) and we were fallin, and RIGHT before we hit the ground, i woke up laying on my arm, and i had a dead-arm