This kid threw my hat onto the ground and I threw him to the ground, but he split his head open because he doesn't know how to fall correctly. gg
Originally Posted by Cole View Post
This kid threw my hat onto the ground and I threw him to the ground, but he split his head open because he doesn't know how to fall correctly. gg

Lol im picturing that he dove into the floor with his head lol, like a retarded penguin. haha
I'm a pretty big guy but i'm a lover not a fighter so in my freshman year of highschool i was in my last period of the day and my division was known for fucking around and playing alot but i didnt feel like playing that period so i sat down in my table(its a four person table) minding my business and this girl came and put her mount everest stack of books and stuff with a calculator on the top on the table next to me and this asshat from my table came and sat down and reached over and took her calculator and hid to be funny and when she came back she was asking where is was so being annoyed i told her the douche had it and he gave it back but started talking shit to me for telling so i say "yeah yeah yeah" and shrug it off then he threatened to throw my books out from the book holder under my table so i said come and do it now pissed off so he came around bent over and threw my books so as soon as he did that i swiftly stood up next to him and put him in a front headlock thingy while he was still bent over and started cranking my other arm into his face for awhile then threw him off and he tried to come back but i held him at his neck while he was trying to swing at me like a cartoon(he was a little guy too) then the teacher broke it up and we both got in-school suspension.