Originally Posted by pusga View Post
generally in handsprings when the feet leave the ground, the hands are as close as possible to the ground. since thats very hard in toribash, its not a huge deal but just a heads up. watching videos of tricks is very useful

the left arm ghosting through the leg is usually not a problem but in tricking i think it is

better than the last one, nice improvement

Thanks pusga. <3
And yeah,...I guess I can't live without ghosting. xD

Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Well, let's go through a list of pros and cons:

-Legs weren't equal for the handspring, if you want to step forward then lean back that's possible and actually looks quite good but only a few of us can do it while keeping our bodies straight during the flip.
-You lowered one arm at a time making it so you used one wrist before the other, extending the wrists almost never works and looks good unless you have it perfect because it springs you into the air.
-Because of the arm thing your body twisted in the air and you landed on one foot (good job) but not leaned far back enough so your cork didn't actually work because you fell forward and had to open up early to enable a steady landing.

-I couldn't cork when I first started tricking, especially not from the type of landing, I'm impressed grats.
-The pose was semi steady, nice breast showing.
-You have a nice relaxed yet solid flow, most of us are too hard or too soft.
-You can say you suck now, you can say you want to give up, don't. This community needs more trickers and you just need time to get better, we all looked like you when we started, probably even worse.
-Much better replay than the last.

I swear I will follow every one of your tricking replays, I am your ghost, I will direct you on the correct path. xD

xD. I'd gladly be haunted by you Rune <3.
Thank you for the tips, they are really helpful.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Another replay.
It ain't tricking this time.
Added an extra layer of retardation on my retarded replaymaking style...
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#GrAm-Condemned.rpl (162.7 KB, 19 views)
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Well, the opener is quite common so I won't touch on that. I really liked the split and crotch kick, but I thought the punch was poorly placed. Furthermore it looks odd how the arm stiffened up at 211 until you hit the ground. Not bad, m8.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
this reminds me i should try to learn tricking some time

i can't imagine you doing that

love the spin after the opener
didn't like how you extended the elbow after you split uke with it, but you made good use of it
crotchblock had a good pop but i found the contracted ankle weird but it's great
last punch didn't feel like it had much power with it
Thanks for the comments fellas. Much appreciated.

Anyway....here's my attempt at an aerial.
Rune! I summon thee to check this replay and give thy constructive criticism!
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#GrAm-Aerial.rpl (134.2 KB, 15 views)
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Originally Posted by GrAmOf0n View Post
Rune! I summon thee to check this replay and give thy constructive criticism!

first nitpick.... its theeE and maybe use your arms when you run.

Rune your part i dunno what to say about trickin replays.

luv you! <3
Pidda's spirit animal
hi gram so like theee said definitely use your arms in a run and contract them more. the aerial was... actually pretty okay. but when you do your setup for it contract your pecs a little instead of extending them and keep your chest up. i have a replay of me doing an aerial and it has both running and an aerial so, yea. :3 good replay but definitely needs improvement. also keep in mind that my trick is a little to high which you can stop by relaxing or holding you launching knee
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For Gram :3.rpl (70.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by BquadZ7550; Jul 1, 2015 at 04:04 PM.
Ty BquadZ.

So yeah, I've actually kinda 'improved' that aerial of mine and added a shitty cork which I couldn't land....
So yeah...it's something.
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#GrAm-Wombo combo.rpl (130.6 KB, 19 views)
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk