I liked the video but i didnt liked the effects because it made my eyes glowy O.o
and Moneshot Do we seriously need to join that shit?

P.S Flepeno Y u no add me on the video >:U
i ned freinds ;c
Lol, I don't think you added any replays for the video.


Anyway, we seem to have gotten somewhat popular. Cool. We should have a AikidoBD party or somethin' soon n stuff. An Event sounds nice too.
the goblin
the video was eh. I could barely see the replays because of the brightness and the whole render thing just brang it all down. and besides there were only like 5 replays throughtout the whole thing and he didnt get all of the teachers and none of the students. I persoanlly didnt really like it.
Herpa Derp.

Make a better spar request than that Wat. Do anything like that again, and I'll give you the kickboot of destruction. Last warning.
the goblin
Hours i want a video for my clan, i made a request on ur video shop.
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
im not in the video, but its true, the effects make the replays look strange
btw hours how many will cost a video for a clan?
PROUD iCoF ex-LEADER "Justice, equality and freedom are more than just words, they are goals."
Origin is the new Black.

Request: Student Membership
Name: Gotkicks2
Country: Philippines
Languages: Filipino, English

PS. Hi guys I'm new to sparring and I want to improve more so I figured I want to be in an organization that helps players in their interests. I know some of the teachers and they are really good at sparring I want to be as good as them.
Attached Files
Spar-Kicks vs Jisse.rpl (662.4 KB, 6 views)
Spar-Kicks vs Tapri.rpl (649.2 KB, 5 views)
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Lol the video was a good try, but in my opinion it could've been better. :P

Still, it was nice and we all should atleast appreciate the fact that Fele took his own time away to make this for us. lol