We are not the only ones out there the Universe is too big to just have us humans.
Dont get any ideas Sickos,
Yes sure,why not,
The space there is really huge,even we can't discover everything in the milky way yet,
And it with be a long time before we find aliens trust me either that or the Goverment already have some.
Dont get any ideas Sickos,
Not exactly in aliens that have visited us but I believe more on thinking that we're not the only planet that holds life in the entire universe.

VIVA LA [pSy].
Clearing Things Up...
There is some logic behind the thinking, though hoaxes are dastardly believable...
Aliens are thought to exist because we exist. If we exist, then there is some measurable chance that alien life exist, but not within reach, of course.
In fact, we may never find another actual race, and not some microorganisms.
We cannot prove or disprove this argument, because it is doomed to be correct. Surely our impatience will never see the better of us.
However, I believe aliens exist just because of the mentioned above.

The whole thing is just a theory that is impossible to disprove because you can't say aliens don't exist; you would have no evidence.

Providing useful logic~
Last edited by MajorKitty; Jun 30, 2011 at 10:06 PM.
Originally Posted by MajorKitty View Post
There is some logic behind the thinking, though hoaxes are dastardly believable...
Aliens are thought to exist because we exist. If we exist, then there is some measurable chance that alien life exist, but not within reach, of course.
In fact, we may never find another actual race, and not some microorganisms.
We cannot prove or disprove this argument, because it is doomed to be correct. Surely our impatience will never see the better of us.
However, I believe aliens exist just because of the mentioned above.

The whole thing is just a theory that is impossible to disprove because you can't say aliens don't exist; you would have no evidence.

Providing useful logic~

Actually the argument can be proved or disproved.

Proving the ability to create monomers from elementary compounds would effectively prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Proving it to be impossible would effectively prove the existence of extraterrestrial too.

We have proved that life can survive in space.

We have also found evidence of water on at least 4 bodies within our own solar system. If we find life or evidence of life on any of those bodies then the argument is won.

Also, never EVER say "just a theory" if you want to be taken seriously. "Just a theory" is the BIGGEST troll phrase of this century.
yeah .im agree we would be scared
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