you need some hardcore processing power to make these videos lol and itd be cheaper to get that in a desktop than in a laptop but if you have money then yeah XD anyways, ive been workin mah ass off with this video and other such things and a wip should be up pretty soon so be on the look out :P
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Just making a point.
The desktop might be cheaper than the laptop but its not just the desktop you're paying for, you need
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Well he said it was a laptop so I would assume he doesn't have that stuff apart from maybe the desks and chairs.
But still a decent monitor, keyboard and mouse will be about $150.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Well its up to him what he wants to do i guess
Anyway, i was thinking of using some Dark D&B for the video


If you guys dont want anything dark i can find some melodic D&B too ;p
Last edited by Darkness; Jun 28, 2013 at 05:26 AM.
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Dannireza: i could do that as well but itd be kinda different

Perfectbro: wut
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo