I've answered that question, I'm not bullshitting anyone. If you actually read what we were saying in our posts you'd know that members coming out of inactivity to respond to an inactivity check doesn't make those members active. You also only have to scroll up on this thread for ample reasoning as to why forum inactive clans shouldn't be kept official.

Honestly, if we're going to sit here and talk in circles because you can't be bothered to read the information we've given you I'll just stop responding to you on the basis of me not entertaining your ignorance.
collect snots from the nose
This is just getting childish. Oldies making drama because their obviously inactive clan is officialy deemed inactive. You're still all on the same planet and connected to the internet with a shitload of ways to communicate among yourselves. If you still have some interest for the game, revive your clan and give it the means to be active, or make a new clan with other oldies.
You had fun with Toribash for all those years, and if you can't undestand a community based multiplayer game needs some community maintenance for its own sake, and forgive it for that, you're being pretty immature, or selfish.

edit : a game needs to live, not cherish the old players like special snowflakes at the cost of its own image.
Last edited by deprav; Apr 24, 2015 at 07:02 PM.
Gynx we wasnt even dead you faggot, check out our last activities:

more like 10 ppl wrote in the past 3 days from our clan

u just killed this game by deleting historical clans...

its your choice anyway, this game already dead so nvm
Last edited by Marci6; Apr 24, 2015 at 07:00 PM.
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
I've answered that question, I'm not bullshitting anyone. If you actually read what we were saying in our posts you'd know that members coming out of inactivity to respond to an inactivity check doesn't make those members active.

Yet again this is incompatible with Skul's theory;
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
It encourages clans to look after themselves & it's healthier for them.

Clearly one of you is bullshitting - and if I had to side with Skul or Gynx, well...

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
You also only have to scroll up on this thread for ample reasoning as to why forum inactive clans shouldn't be kept official.

You also only have to scroll up on this thread to see me telling you that you have not posted any legitimate reasons.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Honestly, if we're going to sit here and talk in circles because you can't be bothered to read the information we've given you I'll just stop responding to you on the basis of me not entertaining your ignorance.

Maybe you should stop with this anti-discussion attitude. Even when I directly ask you a question you deflect. If I ask you for clarification you refuse. When asked for information you purposefully withhold it so you can claim everyone else is ignorant.

What is the point in you even posting? This is the discussion subforum mate, the minimum requirement is that you are open to discussion.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
This is just getting childish. Oldies making drama because their obviously inactive clan is officialy deemed inactive. You're still all on the same planet and connected to the internet with a shitload of ways to communicate among yourselves. If you still have some interest for the game, revive your clan and give it the means to be active, or make a new clans with other oldies.
You had fun with Toribash for all those years, and if you can't undestand a community based multiplayer game needs some community maintenance for its own sake, and forgive it for that, you're being pretty immature, or selfish.

edit : a game needs to live, not cherish the old players like special snowflakes at the cost of its own image.

I'm sure you would happily accept it if fl0w was marked for deletion according to secret rules.

For real though you have like 4 active members, get your shit together or you really will be deleted. You need more than 10 aparently.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 24, 2015 at 07:12 PM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I'm sure you would happily accept it if fl0w was marked for deletion according to secret rules.

Well not happily, but I would accept and I wouldn't harass the clan council for unnecessary explainations ; because I like playing Toribash no matter what and we prepared for the eventuality we'd become too inactive in the eyes of the Clan Council, as we had some pretty quiet periods... but we're still active and kickin' afterall.

When you make/join a clan, it's pretty clear from the start that activity is a condition for the clan to exist, even 5 years ago, it has never been a big secret.

Edit : about fl0w, we do have 9~10 ingame active members scattered in different time zones, we're 4 or 5 around the same timezone playing pretty much daily. There isn't one week passing without a few messages on the forums. If the clan council checks our secret forum they can see we're still doin' community stuff, planning eventual events, people still apply, and we still accept new recruits, and we're not even forcing it, we're even considering ourselves lazy... it's just that we still have some interest for the game. So yeah, that'd be weird to be marked for deletion
Last edited by deprav; Apr 24, 2015 at 07:32 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Well not happily, but I would accept and I wouldn't harass the clan council for unnecessary explainations ; because I like playing Toribash no matter what and we prepared for the eventuality we'd become too inactive in the eyes of the Clan Council, as we had some pretty quiet periods... but we're still active and kickin' afterall.

When you make/join a clan, it's pretty clear from the start that activity is a condition for the clan to exist, even 5 years ago, it has never been a big secret.

You are not as active as other clans that have already been deleted, so I wonder if you really will just accept it.

The exact definition of 'active' is the big secret. Obviously your definition is far more inactive that then one used by the current council.

Isn't 10 the minimum? Depending on what 'active' means and 'pretty much'.... It's weird that you would think that even though other clans with approximately equal activity have been deleted, yours is somehow safe....
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Apr 25, 2015 at 11:52 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Yet again this is incompatible with Skul's theory;

How does me stating members are inactive who, when they fail an activity check, make one post saying "we are active" then leave forever until the next time they fail do anything to be incompatible with SkulFuk's theory? If they come back & stay then I'd say we've done our job. It's happened before and is a direct result of our checks - I'd say that itself is evidence that clans evaluate themselves and try to keep the fire alive. Nobody is bullshitting here, but you're free to say what you want.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You also only have to scroll up on this thread to see me telling you that you have not posted any legitimate reasons.

You actually haven't responded to any of my reasoning, so I guess now it is you who is bullshitting! A ha!

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Maybe you should stop with this anti-discussion attitude. Even when I directly ask you a question you deflect. If I ask you for clarification you refuse. When asked for information you purposefully withhold it so you can claim everyone else is ignorant.

What is the point in you even posting? This is the discussion subforum mate, the minimum requirement is that you are open to discussion.

Discussing things is fine but if you're going to make a criticism on forum policy without reading the information given to you first you are going to be ignored when you say something stupid. You've tried to find inconsistencies in what we are saying throughout this whole discussion when none are apparent as opposed to having any legitimate issue with the system. Your argument boils down to "why don't we just allow inactive official clans to stay?" and we've told you why - you disagreeing with our reasoning doesn't mean we have to explain the same thing every time. That isn't anti-discussion, it's anti-retarded. You're not bringing anything new to the table except your occasional light-bulb "BUT WAIT, THIS DOESN'T MATCH UP!" malarkey which has always been a result of you not reading anything that has been said and are expecting brand new explanations from us as if you've slam-dunked our logic. You haven't. If there's no better reason for keeping dead clans as official than "why not?" I'd say that the reasoning to remove them far outweighs reasoning to keep them.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I'm sure you would happily accept it if fl0w was marked for deletion according to secret rules.

For real though you have like 4 active members, get your shit together or you really will be deleted. You need more than 10 aparently.

fl0w is actually pretty pretty active and has consistently been in our active bracket.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You are not as active as other clans that have already been deleted, so I wonder if you really will just accept it.

The exact definition of 'active' is the big secret. Obviously your definition is far more inactive that then one used by the current council.

Hey! This is discussion, stop being so anti-discussion! You bullshitter, you.
Last edited by Gynx; Apr 24, 2015 at 07:46 PM.
collect snots from the nose
Would it be an idea to keep the original clan thread on official, and send it back to the clan discussion board when it fails the checks?
This way, they will be penalized for inactivity and also disappear into the void by their own inactivity. Their old sub-forum would stay in dead clans, and if they decide to come back, they get their board back.
This has the advantage of not "killing" clans that have been "alive" for a long period of time. It would (as proven) feel like a devastating blow for a long lasting clan to get their death rubbed in their faces, while a clan that simply loses their official status might struggle to regain it if it's that important to them.
I mean the point of an official board is for the ones who are most active. If you have one post per day in your clan thread you might as well give the space to someone else.

My personal stance is that it seems pretty easy to reclaim a clan, so people are making more of a fuss than what's really needed. The argument of 'why kill the clans' as opposed to 'why not kill the clans' goes both ways, and both sides get unsatisfied with their answers. Kind of a bad circle.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
How does me stating members are inactive who, when they fail an activity check, make one post saying "we are active" then leave forever until the next time they fail do anything to be incompatible with SkulFuk's theory? If they come back & stay then I'd say we've done our job. It's happened before and is a direct result of our checks - I'd say that itself is evidence that clans evaluate themselves and try to keep the fire alive. Nobody is bullshitting here, but you're free to say what you want.

Promoting activity and ignoring members who were inactive are incompatible goals, unless you want to prevent people going inactive in the first place.

If you meant to say "people who post on the thread but don't actually become active" then maybe you should have said that instead.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
You actually haven't responded to any of my reasoning, so I guess now it is you who is bullshitting! A ha!

lol you know damn well you never posted any 'reasoning' to me or anywhere else in this thread.

You can of course direct me to it as I have asked you to several times before, it's possible that I missed it hidden among all these essays.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Discussing things is fine but if you're going to make a criticism on forum policy without reading the information given to you first you are going to be ignored when you say something stupid. You've tried to find inconsistencies in what we are saying throughout this whole discussion when none are apparent as opposed to having any legitimate issue with the system.

I have already voiced my concerns with the system (namely that it is completely pointless), and the fact that I can find inconsistencies clearly means that they are apparent.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Your argument boils down to "why don't we just allow inactive official clans to stay?" and we've told you why - you disagreeing with our reasoning doesn't mean we have to explain the same thing every time. That isn't anti-discussion, it's anti-retarded. You're not bringing anything new to the table except your occasional light-bulb "BUT WAIT, THIS DOESN'T MATCH UP!" malarkey which has always been a result of you not reading anything that has been said and are expecting brand new explanations from us as if you've slam-dunked our logic. You haven't. If there's no better reason for keeping dead clans as official than "why not?" I'd say that the reasoning to remove them far outweighs reasoning to keep them.

Unfortunately you haven't told me why, even when I asked you several times to.

What you are doing is considered anti-discussion because you are deflecting and flaming instead of replying in a reasonable manner.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Hey! This is discussion, stop being so anti-discussion! You bullshitter, you.

Right, because discussing things is anti-discussion. Are you sure you know English Gynx? You are spouting complete nonsense now...

Just to make it perfectly clear to you Gynx, this is what I expect:

Gorman: Gynx why are you even bothering to delete inactive clans?
Gynx: Because XYZ, that's why.

This is what I am getting instead:
Gynx: Omg you are retarded, I don't reply to stupid posts, go read the thread, I'm ignoring you because you said something stupid, you have no reason to question me it's a secret.

Seriously Gynx just answer the question next time instead of fucking around, it's a very simple question: "why are inactive clans a problem?".
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Pig I have stated the justifications which the staff have given. Although I found a lot of stuff which genuinely didn't add up, there was reason in there which was hard to see because of all the defence Gynx needed to do against people who didn't understand how the checks worked. Whether the three benefits of doing the checks out way the negatives is another question...

Why are you acting like there are no answers when there actually are? Just because the proportion of answer which covers what you are asking is small doesn't mean it isn't there, a lot of time has been spent on talking about why impartiality is key and reminding people that RAWR wasn't actually active.
I actually wrote a pretty long summary of the parts of the conversation relating to the actual benefits of activity checks and then looked at whether each justification was valid or not. I figured that I might as well just post the conclusion of it since it was long and read badly in complete form.
Last edited by Zelda; Apr 24, 2015 at 08:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess