Name: Saeed (16bars)
Age: 15
Favorite genre of music: Grime(Google it) , EDM, Dubstep, Drum and Bass, Rap (In that order)
Least favorite genre of music: Country
Favorite music artists: Pegboard Nerds, Skepta. JME and Logic
Least favorite music artists: Young thug and Cheef Keef because you can barely understand them
Favorite music sharing website: Youtube, Soundcloud and Spotify
One example of your favorite music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQOG5BkY2Bc

I have 4 favourite music artists that's why I couldn't chose 1
Last edited by 16bars; Jul 18, 2015 at 07:50 PM.
Welcome to MLO! I'd recommend something, but I don't really listen to the stuff I imagine you enjoy.

@skylar I don't care much for it. It's definitely not bad, but I'm not too hot on the indie feel.

@pusga I want to like autechre but his sound is just so stale to me :S
Like, I love the cosmic vibe the track gives off, and I have a lot of patience for this stuff, but it just doesn't feel interesting to me. I have a theory about the oscillators being too "clean" for me to enjoy. An oscillator will produce the same sound until you change it, but an acoustic instrument won't. Might just be bias though.

Have you heard Hillborg's music? It's not easy to find (probably because it's not played frequently). Only reason I know about him is because I played one of his pieces.
Last edited by Lazors; Jul 19, 2015 at 10:54 AM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
@16, alike lazors said, welcome, but, I don't have much in mind to recommend you, ask around though, I'm sure you'll have similar interests as someone else here.

@kyuri, nice to see you're browsing the soundcloud, lots of new stuff being uploaded on there. the songs you posted all are terribly popish and mainstream to me, felt like I already heard all the songs and just didn't pay much interest.

@lazors, very slow and I know that you know that I don't like choir music, however I do appreciate the amount of skill and talent going into composing one of these pieces.


question, yay..?
What is one of your favourite movie soundtracks (as a whole, not one song), why and give us a song from it.

now recently I have watched quite a few movies about music in general, including 24 hour party people (the rise of the factory records label), control (the biopic on Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division) and Scott Pilgrim vs. the world (you probably have heard about this one).

scott pilgrim probably takes the biscuit with its indie/alternative driven music, written by beck and one song my metric, it has such immense energy and a tame impala/ death from above feel.

would definitely recommend this movie!
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Not a huge fan of weezer, their music is a bit repetitive to me and not a huge fan of his voice either.

Not too bad of a song for a movie soundtrack, I feel like it's pretty damn hard to find a movie with a kick ass soundtrack. Not a big fan of the lyrics though, they're pretty lame and meaningless.

Favorite movie soundtrack would be Die Welle which is german for The Wave. Has a bunch of awesome alternative/punk tracks and helped me discover the kilians which is a pretty sweet band. I'm a huge fan of this song, and I've definitely posted it before but love is love baby. Oh and The Wave is a pretty good movie if you're into pyschological movies, it's not one that's going to thrill you and keep you on the edge of your seat but it's an interesting idea and will leave you thinking.

kilians or go house


QotSA are actually really good, been looking into their older stuff and found that gem. Which kinda reminded me of humbug <3. Sorry for neglecting you guys, it's just that posting here takes a butt load of work and I'm short on time/my PC is broken so I have to use my poopy laptop
Last edited by cocacobra; Jul 20, 2015 at 04:33 PM.
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
Name: Charles (Panthers32)
Age: 13
GMT: -5:00
Favorite genre of music: Rap, Edm, and Christian Rock
Least favorite genre of music: Classical and Country
Favorite music artist: Sound Stabs
Least favorite music artist: Justin Bieber :P
Favorite music sharing website: Youtube
One example of your favorite music: https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=eWmdYpAGy0k

Biggest Question Of The Year

QotSA are great. They where recommended to me by one of my Nine inch nails buddies.

So this is what kind of music I have been listening to.

Really anything by slipknot

Unrelated: Favorite song for lyrical meaning? Mine might be Hurt by Nine Inch Nails or Snuff by Slipknot.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Jul 22, 2015 at 03:08 AM.
@koko, the kilians are pretty damn good, the singer reminds me alot of julian casablancas, and the guitar playing is similar to foals in some parts although they came before foals.
I'll look both the movie and band up, seems quite promising.
also, josh hommes is a genius, he said in an interview about humbug (which he produced, obviously) that he 'knocked the sheffield out of them'.

@Panthers, hello, welcome, I'd suggest asking someone else here in this org for recommendations for music that you would like.

@rawwrh, slipknot just seem really gimmicky now and quite boring for a heavy rock band. really don't have much of an interest at all.

been very interested in lcd soundsystem for a bit now, with a lot of songs having build ups that are enjoyable and usually don't become monotonous. it's a rare occasion that I really like electronic music, but, james murphy is a veteran at dance music.

this par example, skip to around 3:00 if you want to ignore the buildup ( i don't really recommend it though)
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Thank you Skylar, I appreciate your advice

Biggest Question Of The Year