Yes, check it out. It's really interesting and very techincal. You also have different levels. Either light or full contact. I'm fighting in the light french-boxing level. I prefer this since you know this is not my job, and so I don't want to get injured. Also, it will allow me to have longevity..

So, what's up guys, anything new?
Your messed up world enthrills me
Hey William,good to see you checking in.

Good thinking with that sporthobby of yours,i know some people who got injured while doing it (football and mma) and they now suffer from the injuries they got.

Nothing really new here,eo2 is taking its course,theres a new 64 player event which is quite nice but the prizes are lousy imo.

Im back at work after a vacation ,so its the same insanity everyday again,but its alright.
Originally Posted by PavoR View Post
I got more then 50+ missiles today over my head, what about your's day ?

sounds heavy mate, whats the story behind it ?

I started my day lazy today is chill time
about to cook some curry
(because I'm too lazy for going to the chinese restaurant)
Enjoint life
The "joys" of living in Israel...
Stay safe pavor.

Was a normal workday for me.Got pretty cold in the last days here.