nice tumblr m8 c:
i like your art style and the hentai drawings you made.
work on glossy skin <3
i definitely will

there's many things i'm missing, and shiny bods are one of them

the goblin
catch me sleepin' on 'em

also drawing luvmi, jusmi's mascot babe


Last edited by Marrez; Jul 16, 2016 at 06:39 AM.
the goblin
Oh hey it's Maurell! He's looking pretty freakin cool, though man, the arms/shoulders seem kinda scrawny... but then again i'm no artist.

just criticizing something so i don't get a warning again. . .

Can't wait Mocchi! :y
Last edited by Dobby; Jul 19, 2016 at 05:28 AM.
Marrez, here is a tip, flip the canvas to find mistakes and correct them.
the shoulders are not equal in width.

I am no fan of your eyes, you draw them to square like, eyes tend to be round.
you should draw ninjas or army soldiers or some shit

but I like these drawings man you really have talent, I do graffiti myself

also when you draw females make them have tigolbitties cuz yeah, I like boobs
Last edited by poop; Jul 22, 2016 at 03:51 PM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
i dabble in realism, but i don't make art focused around it

i have my reasons and i don't feel like it needs to be particularly explained

however, i've been drawing figures a little more to get anatomy study in

if you'd like to see any or even recommend a website for figure drawing, such as design doll or pixelovely, please send me a pm

also, heyyyy, glad we feel the same poop
the goblin