Original Post
About Shovelling
Hello fellas, I just wanted to open a little discussion (I hope this is the forum for it)

Anyways, let's get to the point.
When I joined Toribash shovelling wasn't classified as a move or at least a noobish move.
I don't understand why everyone today think that shovelling is a noobish move, I mean I don't shovel but ffs why would you consider a move a noobish one? Shovel is a move like any other move, like clap, since in my opinion clap is NOT a noobish move cause obviously you could win with it so if you're any good in Toribash instead of crying you should counter those moves and not whine about each fucking muscle your opponent's moving.

If anyone think's otherwise please post why so I can try and convince you or at least try and explain because it's seriously getting onto my nerves.
Pendragon = Bandwagon.