Can someone post a tutorial on youtube or something? i can't even figure out how to stay on the board.
i would like to learn 2 things that would get me DAYS above where i would be winging it:
how to start without tilting off, and how to ollie/jump/hop. the rest would be fun winging it. thx guys ^^ (awsome mod btw... dam its good)

EDIT: check it out my first step! (still need help) i got a manual and a partial grind plz edit the rest 0.o
Attached Files
(HP) manuel and grind-edit.rpl (46.0 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by hushpuppi3; Jul 14, 2009 at 09:45 AM.
Judo King
sorry how do i download all it dos is show me what is in the mod in a tab dosint open toribash with me playing the mod
you have to save it to Troibash->data->mod and then run toribash and u should find it in the mods list :P
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