Here what's done during the stream:

1. pencil sketch refined (used three layers for that, top layer with 100% opacity to do darker lines, under layer with 40% opacity with main sketch and on the bottom, layer used for doing some shading on the armor)

2. inking (left the pencil sketch one layer below with 20% opacity because I like to keep it for extra lines, even when I do ink)

3. some skin coloring (just to try color combo, usually skin of the predator chick should be greenish or yellow, but I went with chocolate brown, because me like chocolate, deal with it)


Tomorrow, the finishing touch (complete coloring, and maybe some background, forest, jungle, space ship, water bed, who knows?)
10/10 would bang without lube
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I think she would look better without the Armor : )

Also, nice drawings my friend ;)
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Today is the international BOJAN's STREAM DAY. It will last 24 h starting from now! Black and White illustrations only.
The catch is: You choose what you want me to draw.

Most interesting propositions I'll take into process, draw it and the guy/girl who requested it will get a PDF, A3 size (415 x 540 mm) poster which he/she can take to a local print shop and get a nice decoration for their room. Or whatever...

I'll be watching this thread and if I see something interesting, stream is ON.
Crap, I got nothing.

Oh wait, draw Akali from League of Legends :o
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Try drawing Master Yi from League of Legends in a running pose where he looks like he's about to whack you with his sword ; front view :^)

Also, found some interesting poses for girls if someone requests you to draw a chick


Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
lol, I was hoping for something creative like:

''Bojan, if there is a Hellboy, how would Hellgirl look like?''

Something like that... XD
Too many ppl play LoL.