Avvy or Sig (both?): Avvy :3
Animated sig?: no
Size (Regular, Tp or Vip?):regular
Reference(Character? Your Tori?): you can use this as the stock:

Text?:bassline (make it small and cool )
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):3k-4k
u wot m8
Avvy or Sig (both?): sig
Animated sig? (Look in examples):no gif.
Size (Regular, Tp or Vip?):regular(100x100)
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):gabrielnp3
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):6k
[QUOTE=Tamashii;5510025]I will do the three above requests today, then I'll see about making those trails Avengd.

Lazors: Opiniooooon?

It's great! But in the top right wing, there seems to be some black stuff in the way, could you plz remove it? I'd pay 1,5k for this one, is that ok?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I saw his work and liked them very much ...
Avvy or Sig : Avvy
Size : Regular
Reference : My Tori with Demo Force
Text : Thalles
Willing to pay? : 3k-5k
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah
Avvy or Sig (both?): sig
Animated sig? (Look in examples):no gif.
Size (Regular, Tp or Vip?):regular(100x100)
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):gabrielnp3
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):6k

Avvy or Sig (both?): Avvy*
Animated sig? (Look in examples):no gif.
Size (Regular, Tp or Vip?):regular(100x100)
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):gabrielnp3
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):6k
I saw his work and liked it a lot .. avvy or sig: Avvy Size: Regular
Reference: with my force tori hunter Text: SpartaBr
Willing to pay 3-5k
Se o Rock'N'Roll for ilegal, pode me jogar na cadeia!
456654: What do you think?

Lazors: Done.

Thalles: Kewl that you fancy my art ;) What do you think?

SpartaBr: What do you think?

Gabriel: Will get to yours right away, gimp crashed and I'll have to remake it D=
Very good.. O.o
Can you put a text? Please..
Last edited by Thalles; May 26, 2012 at 01:51 AM.
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah
Oh, fuck...Didn't notice that you wanted text...

Of course, just give me a minute or 10... And I'll update with your and Gabriels avvy.