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Public Tourneys - Discussion & Suggestions
<-- hehe banned

Mod: erthtkv2.tbm

Belt restriction: 100 qi - 499 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 500 TC
Knockout interval: 5 minutes

Belt restriction: 500 qi - 1999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 750 TC
Knockout interval: 7 minutes

Belt restriction: 1000 qi - 2999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 1250 TC
Knockout interval: 10 minutes

Belt restriction: 3000 qi - 5999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 2500 TC
Knockout interval: 15 minutes


Belt restriction: 5000 qi - unlimited
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 5000 TC
Knockout interval: 20 minutes

no-qi tourneys
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 500 TC
Knockout interval: 10 minutes
mod: lenshu3ng.tbm
mod: judo.tbm
mod: boxshu_mushu_v3.tbm

You can have influence on what mods are played by sending me propositions, list of at least three mods you'd like to see on tourneys.

Last edited by Scorpio; Feb 26, 2015 at 11:30 AM.
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
that's how games work, it just so happens that there are a majority of players on at a certain time because that's their timezone. it's not unfair. perhaps you see it as unfair since you are effected by this, but if you really, really wanted to play in a tournament server you would join when the majority of players are on. if you can't manage that then it's uncool but that's how life works.

but really, you're only thinking about yourself when you say "the tournaments are unfair because people are not on when i am usually on"

Ikr. Until the majority of TB Complains it's not much of an issue in my eyes. Besides try to find 1 online game where Different Time-zones doesn't have any effect at all.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
The initial plan was that waiting times were way longer than this.
Once some server changes and fixes are made, knockout intervals will be longer. Otherwise we'll be creating more than a million TC daily.

Exactly meaning if none of the TC was sank in less than two years the 700kk TC Cap would be reached. Shorter waiting times isn't worth it if it it'll inflate the TBEconomy.
Last edited by ZENKID123; Oct 24, 2014 at 09:40 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
How about we don't make players wait 20 min to fight :3.... Can that be a thing?

You don't to wait 25 minutes for the tournament to give out TC.
You only need 3 knockout rounds in a row, don't need the "Tournament started". So when there are only a few players in the tourney during non-peak times, TC gets created much more faster; 12k every 10-15 minutes, if that.
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
This issue has been addressed already. If we were to decrease the time interval, we could potentially cause an influx in the tori economy. 25 minutes is not a long wait for a 12k tc prize. If you are going by tc exchange rate, each tourney you win, you are effectively gaining 1$.

So far the servers have been recieveing great feedback from 10k qi players. It seems that a majority of the people complaining about the interval times are lower qi players.

Also, Masterfate, you are not even able to participate in the 12k tourney, why are you talking about the wait time for it?

Also, this is still a new addition to the game. Stuff could change at any point, and we are always looking for news ways to update the game, so long as it does not cause more problems than it solves. Due to the amount of tc being put out, the intervals for the servers seems rather fair.

This update not only helps the newer players, but it also helps the vet players. The vets now have a room where only they can hang out, make a fair amount of tc, and have fun. In the past two days, I have seen a fair amount of high qi players tell me that the only reason they are going to continue to play is due to the new servers. Is that not what we wanted to accomplish with this thread? This does not create an incentive to play, but it is making the game more fun for the vet players, and it helps out all the other players aswell.

This thread, along with many others is helping us work towards our goal of making the game more entertaining and fun for everyone. I still support hax's ideas, but I am taking a different approach on them.

i was talking about my tourney the 6k one. I had put the wrong time down. but even so the only tourney that has any real positive feed back is the 12k tourney and this is because it has a positive ratio between TC amount and wait time. were as the 6k tourney, my tourney, has a huge ratio gap in the TC vs Time. 20:6 and 25:12 is not even close to fair in their ratio aspects. but then again I see where you are coming from because if this were real life no person hosts a tourney every 25 mins real tourneys should be hours if not days apart and give a reasonably large amount or value for their prize. really with this form of thinking you could do 100k tourneys that would happen 1 time every week or month and two times during that day (for time zone reasons) keeping the fear of inflation down and keeping the other players with something to look forward to and train for. with that you could still keep the ones that you have now and let that really long really rewarding one sitting there so once every week a mess of people will be at the tourney (once at 5 in the morning and once at 5 at night: this gives people with school or jobs on both sides of the world a chance at getting it) that gives out the huge prize and for the rest of the week training in the smaller Tc giving tourney's.
Last edited by Fates; Oct 24, 2014 at 04:49 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
The time isn't really an issue. As has been mentioned before, they aren't servers for you to farm tc in. If you only want to play when knockout is on, go and play in another room for 20 minutes while the timer runs down.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

dude you may not know this because of you being higher than 10th dan but the tourney that 5th dans go to is 6k TC for a 20 min wait time. but as i said before i understand why it is so long but i just think the prize should be a little bigger to accommodate for the really long wait time. Really if you wanted it to be a 'belt gets better prize thing' you would make all the times the same interval and keep the TC prize amount. thus making the fact that you "belted up" more enjoyable when joining tourney's because as of right now the fact that if i was a 4th dan black belt and just hit 5th dan would mean a 3k addition to the prize but a 5 min addition to the wait while at the same time going to 10th would mean a 6k addition!!! and a 5 min addition? meaning all the benchmarks are otherwise random rather than controlled. you should average all of the times together than the average time would be the time for all tourneys then when you move up in belts it will actually feel as though you are rewarded with something this case a bigger tc prize. If you dont like want i have presented please say nothing in return unless you are a GM who has a valid, fact filled point to make. nothing against you Clock, i just dont want to argue with someone who ill get nowhere with.
Last edited by Fates; Oct 24, 2014 at 07:04 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
no, I totally get it, my point is that you're impatient and annoyed that you can't farm more tc. It's really not that long to wait. I suspect all waiting times will be increased rather than decreased.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem