I know.
I deserve to be spanked.
Verbally. Not physically.
GUISE GUISE GUISE, Totally became genius man, and hooked up one of the monitors to my laptop.
+1 for Genuineness

-1 for Raging and breaking laptop screen.
Last edited by Macrid; Nov 6, 2012 at 08:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Are you mad at me or something?
I can't come to the forum regularly, I don't even want to. It is not interesting anymore.
Like Fear said, not much changed.
At least if I could play toribash it could be more joyful, but I can't.
Ok guys so here's part of what I'm doing.

I'm starting to work with my brother in animations, this one we're doing is for his portfolio
or some shit. So i'll probably have the IRC open but I wont be playing toribash
for probably a couple months, so kick me out of the contest.
Ok, back on track, so we have until April to get this animation finished
and be ready for the Newgrounds annual contest. Which will also include me being inactive
for more months coming.

Unacceptable, we have no replacement for you.
This event requires a tiny amount of time from maybe just one day of your life.
You will play.