i didnt scam u! and i agree im the most annoying person yah i just wanna make things rite... gosh
Last edited by boltgod; Jun 30, 2010 at 07:22 AM.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
U know how u can make things right? If u somehow magically Disappear.

That would definately make things right nick. And yes you did scam me. I made you a signature and you all of a sudden didn't even have 1k to pay for it EVEN though I told you it was going to be 5k.

Anyways, I'm going to bed. I have a long day of work tomorrow.
Life is a zoo in a Jungle.
Name: RecOvery.
Belt (black min or we will see ): White.
Rank: Unranked.
Why: Why not? :o
Who invited u: Myself.
what will u give to us: Comedy, fun, joy, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Will u be active: Hellz yush.

Thanks for considering me
Originally Posted by Jordan589 View Post
And yes you did scam me. I made you a signature and you all of a sudden didn't even have 1k to pay for it EVEN though I told you it was going to be 5k.

jordan i didnt no u made it for me ill have ur 5k by next week and ill get off ur forum ill do everything u said but im just gonna talk to jordan about the signiture thing ok?
Uh Guys Hug has been elimanted from being discussed for being Official Sorry Guys I am Leaving this clan Too I just checked and Delaid Has moved our clan so I am going to Leave the clan becasue I dont feel like waiting any more